JuliaLang / PackageCompiler.jl

Compile your Julia Package
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Compiled app errors when loading depencies #927

Closed biona001 closed 3 months ago

biona001 commented 3 months ago

I create an app, and it runs fine on my local or remote machines (the remote machine does not have Julia installed).

My collaborator reported a bug, in which the error logs include directories that are native to the local machine I used to compile the app. His operating system is 64bit linux x86, the same as what I used to compile the app.

For reference, I compiled my app with the following

using PackageCompiler, GhostKnockoffGWAS
src = normpath(pathof(GhostKnockoffGWAS), "../..")
des = normpath(pathof(GhostKnockoffGWAS), "../../app_linux_x86")
precompile_script = normpath(pathof(GhostKnockoffGWAS), "../precompile.jl")
@time create_app(src, des, 
biona001 commented 3 months ago

Well, it seems the paths of the build machine is expected, according to the docs. I'm still not sure why the app runs on some machine but not others, however.

biona001 commented 3 months ago

Issue resolved by creating a personal fork of those packages and commenting out all Requires.@require in them, see #933 for better description of the issue and in particular this post