JuliaLang / Pkg.jl

Pkg - Package manager for the Julia programming language
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Dependency confusion between internal registries and General #2393

Open Seelengrab opened 3 years ago

Seelengrab commented 3 years ago

A recent, novel supply chain attack on some package managers is also possible in certain Pkg/Registry configurations.

The gist of it is that some package managers, when given a package name, by default look in "internal" repos first, then also check the "public" repos and install whichever returns a higher version number. For this attack to be successful in Pkg, the attacker would also have to know the UUID of the internal package and register a package in General with both the same name and the same UUID, but a higher version number (e.g. 9001.0.0). Once registered, Pkg installs whichever version is higher, thereby allowing "shadowing" of the internal package with a malicious package.

A MWE can be found at https://github.com/DilumAluthge/MWE_multiple_registries_same_package_uuid.

The intention for all possible fixes is to preserve the ability to have multiple registries available to provide the same package. This should not allow attackers to intentionally register packages with the same name & UUID as another package in a different registry and mislead people into downloading their malicious package.

A non-breaking fix is for each private registry user who also uses General to use the 3 day waiting period to monitor for clashes in new package registrations to General. This should be automatable with some tooling, which comments on the PR to General and thus stops the automerge. As a precaution, private registry users may want to create new UUIDs for their internal packages and investigate how the UUID leaked in the first place.

Another non-breaking fix on a registry-per-registry basis would be to mirror & vet General manually, though this is somewhat high maintenance and thus unlikely to be useful in practice. This would also require some investigation into how the UUID leaked, should a mismatch be detected.

A possible long-term fix would involve a new shadowable entry in Package.toml, which would be opt-in and signal that the package is allowed to come from other registries as well. In this model, all installed registries that have the same combination of (name, UUID) would also need to have shadowable=true set for that package. If any registry doesn't have this set, we error.

This would be a breaking change, so our options are:

  1. Do it in Julia 2.0.
  2. Do it in Julia 1.x, but make a lot of Slack posts and Discourse posts informing people of the change, and make it easy for people (JC, Invenia, Beacon, etc) to make the changes needed. This would only affect local/internal registries that have shared a package with other registries (e.g. by open sourcing them to General). We should work closely with those who are known to have opensourced packages to make their transition as easy as possible.