JuliaLang / Pkg.jl

Pkg - Package manager for the Julia programming language
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precompile verbose output #3622

Open xgdgsc opened 9 months ago

xgdgsc commented 9 months ago

There doesn' t seem a verbose mode for precompile, how do I debug why my Pacakge hangs forever in precompile REPL., while runs fine when using the julia process?

timholy commented 9 months ago

I'd like to turn on verbose mode on this issue 🙂. For starters, what's your Julia version and what's the package? Is there any kind of output?

xgdgsc commented 9 months ago

Julia 1.9.3. The package is a project with deps like

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Sorry the project source code cannot be shared. Hang on the last step of precompile MyPackage when doing up. No output other than the circling progress.