JuliaLang / Pkg.jl

Pkg - Package manager for the Julia programming language
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Make spinners spin more slowly #3808

Open eschnett opened 4 months ago

eschnett commented 4 months ago

I was updating Julia packages over an unstable internet connection and I didn't like how fast the spinners were running. I think they spin about twice per second.

I looked at the Pkg.jl code, and I found that setting the environment variable CI=true would disable all progress output. That's good, but I was looking for something fancier – just slowing down the progress output, not eliminating it.

I think it would be possible to make the spinner speed configurable with a rather small code change. I think this line https://github.com/JuliaLang/Pkg.jl/blob/e7e8ce38359330441b1340046add367761035f69/src/API.jl#L1389 defines how fast the spinners are.

One could add a new global variable


to the code, and then create the Timer via Timer(0; interval=PRECOMPILE_SPINNER_INTERVAL[]). This would allow changing the spinners by setting a global variable. A similar mechanism is already used in MiniProgressBars.jl where two variables are defined https://github.com/JuliaLang/Pkg.jl/blob/e7e8ce38359330441b1340046add367761035f69/src/MiniProgressBars.jl#L21-L22

KristofferC commented 4 months ago

How does the precompile spinner relate to your internet connection?

eschnett commented 4 months ago

I was logged in via a slow connection and issued an ]update command from the Julia REPL, which lead to precompiling a few package that take a minute to do so (CairoMakie?) while showing the spinners. The spinners didn't spin smoothly.