JuliaLang / Pkg.jl

Pkg - Package manager for the Julia programming language
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Inconsistent preference of local directories over package names in auto hints #3916

Closed kimikage closed 2 weeks ago

kimikage commented 4 weeks ago

PR #3913 introduces inconsistency in automatic hinting under certain conditions.

For example, When there is a directory named "Documents" in the active directory, and I type "Doc", will it not display a hint "Documents/" and then complete it when I press <TAB>? I.e., "Documenter" or "DocumenterTools", etc. will not be ignored?

Edit: I am a Windows user, but I believe macOS also has multiple directories in the home directory which start with uppercase.

_Originally posted by @kimikage in https://github.com/JuliaLang/Pkg.jl/pull/3913#issuecomment-2145313089

The above concerns are actually realized in #master. 336280522-4d26d03a-bc4e-4661-ae9d-01d0f2986c7f

Personally, I don't think this is a high priority issue. However, I file this as an issue because the conditions for reproducing the problem depend on the specific situation.