JuliaLang / Pkg.jl

Pkg - Package manager for the Julia programming language
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Conversion script doesn't pick up Printf dependency for ExcelFiles.jl #728

Closed davidanthoff closed 5 years ago

davidanthoff commented 6 years ago

ExcelFiles.jl uses printf, but the conversion script doesn't pick that up, see here. This leads to a precompile warning:

(v1.0) pkg> precompile
Precompiling project...
Precompiling ExcelFiles
[ Info: Recompiling stale cache file C:\Users\david\.julia\compiled\v1.0\ExcelFiles\cZRj4.ji for ExcelFiles [89b67f3b-d1aa-5f6f-9ca4-282e8d98620d]
┌ Warning: Package ExcelFiles does not have Printf in its dependencies:
│ - If you have ExcelFiles checked out for development and have
│   added Printf as a dependency but haven't updated your primary
│   environment's manifest file, try `Pkg.resolve()`.
│ - Otherwise you may need to report an issue with ExcelFiles
└ Loading Printf into ExcelFiles from project dependency, future warnings for ExcelFiles are suppressed.

And that then affects the whole Queryverse.jl stack.

So, two things: a) could this be fixed in the conversion script? and b) is there some workaround in the meantime?

Thanks to @KristofferC for identifying the root issue here on Slack already.

fredrikekre commented 6 years ago

Its the line break that is the problem. If you remove that it's fine. So, change

using ExcelReaders, IteratorInterfaceExtensions, TableTraits, DataValues,
TableTraitsUtils, FileIO, TableShowUtils, Dates, Printf


using ExcelReaders, IteratorInterfaceExtensions, TableTraits, DataValues
using TableTraitsUtils, FileIO, TableShowUtils, Dates, Printf

for example.

davidanthoff commented 6 years ago

Perfect, that is an easy fix :) Thanks!

StefanKarpinski commented 6 years ago

It's amazing that this stupid regex has worked as well as it has. I guess we could make it a bit more complex and handle this case too. Not sure if it's worth it though.