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Pkg + BinaryProvider #841

Closed staticfloat closed 5 years ago

staticfloat commented 6 years ago

The ponderous forms of Pkg and BinaryProvider slowly intermesh; Hulking behemoths merging their forms like waves from two separate oceans breaking upon the same shore. The silhouette of one blends seamlessly into the shadow of the other, a möbius strip of darkness and light, beginning and ending within itself.

Let's talk about the possible merging of BinaryProvider and Pkg, to integrate the binary installation story to unheard-of levels. Whereas:

I suggest that we do away with the weird indirection we currently have with packages using build.jl files to download tarballs, and instead integrate these downloads into Pkg completely. This implies that we:

Please discuss.

staticfloat commented 5 years ago

Okay, let's get started on the first bullet point of this list; defining a BinaryArtifact type within Pkg. We need to create a new datatype within Pkg that represents not a Julia package, but a BinaryArtifact, which is distinct in the following ways:

00vareladavid commented 5 years ago

I guess we can create an AbstractDependency type with PackageSpec and BinaryArtifact as subtypes? Then we replace most current occurrences of PackageSpec with AbstractDependency.

00vareladavid commented 5 years ago

Is the idea to download a BinaryArtifact and then key into it with runtime information to determine what tarballs should be downloaded? Or is a BinaryArtifact the tarball itself?

StefanKarpinski commented 5 years ago

How about just calling it Dependency since we're not going to have Dependency <: AbstractDependency, we're going to have PackageSpec, BinaryArtifact <: Dependency.

00vareladavid commented 5 years ago

Ok, and theses types of nodes will be mostly indistinguishable until we hit what is currently build_versions. At which point, we key into them with runtime information(i.e. choose_download) to determine the exact tarball which needs to be set up. Is that roughly the plan?

staticfloat commented 5 years ago

Sounds reasonable to me; I'd be happy to discuss this further and nail down more of an implementation plan during the Pkg call tomorrow?

StefanKarpinski commented 5 years ago

Version constraints are against the version of the library, not the version of the thing that builds the library. But you want to be able to lock down a specific build of a library. But a specific build is completely platform-specific. There are some layers of versioning:

  1. Artifact identity. The exact identity of the binary artifact that was used in a configuration. We want to record this or be able to reconstruct it somehow, but it's too specific.
  2. Build script version. The version of the build scripts that produces that binary artifact. This will typically support multiple different platforms. This is probably what should be in the manifest.
  3. Library version. The version of the library that the build script is building. This is what compatibility constraints should work with.

Is this correct and complete? The artifact identity should be completely determined by some "system properties" tuple that captures all the things that determine which artifact generated by a build script one needs. The end user mostly only needs to care about the library version, which is what determines its API and therefore usage. There might, however, be situations where one needs compatibility constraints on both the library version and the build script version: e.g. an older build was configured in some way that makes the resulting artifact unusable in certain ways.

StefanKarpinski commented 5 years ago

Does a given version of a build script always produce just a single version of a given library?

stevengj commented 5 years ago

How would this work with packages that use BinaryProvider but fall back to compiling from source if a working binary is not available (typically for less-popular Linux distros)? e.g. ZMQ or Blosc IIRC. You need some kind of optional-dependency support, it seems, or support for a source “platform”.

staticfloat commented 5 years ago

For building from source, we will support it manually by allowing users to dev a jll package, then they just need to copy their .so files into that directory. This is analogous to allowing users to modify their .jl files within a dev'ed Julia package.

I do not think we should ever build from source automatically. Looking at ZMQ, it looks like you have full platform coverage; under what circumstances are you compiling?

ararslan commented 5 years ago

Another example to add to Steven's list is SpecialFunctions, which falls back to BinDeps when a binary isn't available from BinaryProvider. Once upon a time that was used on FreeBSD, before we had FreeBSD support in BinaryProvider, but now I don't know when it's used aside from on demand on CI.

stevengj commented 5 years ago

Looking at ZMQ, it looks like you have full platform coverage; under what circumstances are you compiling?

We needed it on CentOS, for example (JuliaInterop/ZMQ.jl#176), because of JuliaPackaging/BinaryBuilder.jl#230.

There are an awful lot of Unix flavors out there, and it's nice to have a compilation fallback.

StefanKarpinski commented 5 years ago

Regardless of the many UNIX variations, the only things you really need are the right executable format and the right libc, which we can pretty much cover at this point.

stevengj commented 5 years ago

And the right libstdc++, which is apparently harder to cover.

(This was why I had to enable source builds for ZMQ and Blosc. Are we confident that this is fixed, or are we happy to go back to breaking installs for any package that calls a C++ library?)

staticfloat commented 5 years ago

I think our libstdc++ problems should be largely solved now that https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/BinaryBuilder.jl/issues/253 has been merged. We now build with GCC 4.8.5 by default, using a libstdc++ version of 3.4.18, so we are guaranteed to work with anything at least newer than that. I'm not entirely sure it's possible to build Julia with GCC earlier than 4.8 at the moment, (the Julia README still says GCC 4.7+, but I'm pretty sure LLVM requires GCC 4.8+) so this seems like a pretty safe bet to me. I would be eager to hear how users are running Julia with a version of libstdc++ older than 3.4.18.

stevengj commented 5 years ago

Should https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/BinaryBuilder.jl/issues/230 be closed then?

staticfloat commented 5 years ago

Yes I think so.

Petr-Hlavenka commented 5 years ago

I'm very supportive in managing the binary artifacts by Pkg. I'd just like to point out that the implementation of library loading should be flexible enough to include some strategy for AOT compilation and deployment (to a different computer). The app deployed to a different computer will have to load libraries from different locations and the hardcoding of paths in deps.jl makes this pretty difficult, see JuliaPackaging/BinaryProvider.jl#140. The best way would be either not have deps.jl at all or no need to store absolute path to the library.

StefanKarpinski commented 5 years ago

Yes, that's the plan: you declare what you need, referring to it by platform-independent identity instead of generating it explicitly and then hardcoding its location, instead allowing Pkg to figure out the best way to get you what you need and telling you where it is.

staticfloat commented 5 years ago

Progress! There is some code behind this post, and other things remain vaporware, with the aspiration of striking up some discussion on whether these are the aesthetics we want.

name = "JpegTurbo_jll"
uuid = "7e164b9a-ae9a-5a84-973f-661589e6cf70"
version = "2.0.1"

hash = "45674d19e63e562be8a794249825566f004ea194de337de615cb5cab059e9737"
url = "https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/Yggdrasil/releases/download/JpegTurbo-v2.0.1/JpegTurbo.v2.0.1.arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz"

    djpeg = "bin/djpeg"
    libjpeg = "lib/libjpeg.so"
    libturbojpeg = "lib/libturbojpeg.so"
    jpegtran = "bin/jpegtran"
    cjpeg = "bin/cjpeg"

hash = "c2911c98f9cadf3afe84224dfc509b9e483a61fd4095ace529f3ae18d2e68858"
url = "https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/Yggdrasil/releases/download/JpegTurbo-v2.0.1/JpegTurbo.v2.0.1.i686-w64-mingw32.tar.gz"

    djpeg = "bin/djpeg.exe"
    libjpeg = "bin/libjpeg-62.dll"
    libturbojpeg = "bin/libturbojpeg.dll"
    jpegtran = "bin/jpegtran.exe"
    cjpeg = "bin/cjpeg.exe"
# LibFoo_jll/src/LibFoo_jll.jl
# Autogenerated code, do not modify
module LibFoo_jll
using Libdl

# Chain other dependent jll packages here, as necessary
using LibBar_jll

# This is just the `artifacts` -> platform_key() -> `products` mappings embedded in `Artifact.toml` above
const libfoo = abspath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "deps", "usr", "lib", "libfoo.so"))
const fooifier = abspath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "deps", "usr", "bin", "fooifier"))

# This is critical, as it allows a dependency that `libfoo.so` has on `libbar.so` to be satisfied.
# It does mean that we pretty much never dlclose() things though.
handles = []
function __init__()
    # Explicitly link in library products so that we can construct a necessary dependency tree
    for lib_product in (libfoo,)
        push!(handles, Libdl.dlopen(lib_product))

Example Julia package client code:

# LibFoo.jl/src/LibFoo.jl

import LibFoo_jll

function fooify(a, b)
    return ccall((:fooify, LibFoo_jll.libfoo), Cint, (Cint, Cint), a, b)
StefanKarpinski commented 5 years ago

I like it in general. I'll have to think for a bit about the structure of the artifacts file. There's a consistent compression scheme used by Deps.toml and Compat.toml; we'll want to use the same compression scheme for the artifact data in the registry which somewhat informs how you want to structure the data in the file as well.

Do you think I think we'll eventually want to teach ccall about libraries so that we can just write ccall(:libfoo, ...) and have it know to find the LibFoo shared library? That seems like the nicest interface to this possible—just declare the dependency in your project file and ccall it with the right name and everything just works.

staticfloat commented 5 years ago

That seems like the nicest interface to this possible—just declare the dependency in your project file and ccall it with the right name and everything just works.

I am actively shying away from teaching Pkg/Base too much about dynamic libraries; it's a deep rabbit hole. In this proposal I'm even not baking in the platform-specific library searching awareness (e.g. "look for libraries in bin on windows, lib elsewhere). I want to keep Pkg as simple as possible.

On the other hand, I would like it if dlopen() was able to tell me, for instance, that trying to use libqt on a Linux system that doesn't have X11 installed already isn't going to work. It would know this because it would try to dlopen("libqt.so") and fail, and it would inspect the dependency tree and notice that libx11.so was not findable. This is all possible with not much new code written, but it does mean that we need to bring in things like ObjectFile.jl into Base, and that's a lot of code.

It would be nice if we could do things like search for packages that contain libfoo.so. That's actually one advantage to listing everything out in the Artifact.toml within the registry like that.

staticfloat commented 5 years ago

There's a consistent compression scheme used by Deps.toml and Compat.toml

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this, but I will await your instruction. I have no strong opinions over the Artifact.toml organization, except for the vague feeling that I want to make it as small as possible to avoid bloating the registry and making things slow to download/install/parse/search.

Petr-Hlavenka commented 5 years ago

After downloading and unpacking the binaries, Pkg will generate a wrapper Julia package that exposes an API to "get at" these files, so that client code (such as LibFoo.jl, the fictitious julia-code side of things) can use it in as natural a way as possible. Example generated Julia code:

const libfoo = abspath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "deps", "usr", "lib", "libfoo.so"))
const fooifier = abspath(joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "deps", "usr", "bin", "fooifier"))

This automatic wrapper generation with const assigning the absolute path is exactly the the thing that prevents AOT with deployment to a different computer. So during AOT PackageCompiler will need to modify every single artifact_wrapper_jlpackage to get rid of the baked-in absolute path.

If the code is auto-generated, why cannot this functionality be part of some function or macro-call that would open the handles and generate the const paths on-the-fly? In that case PackageCompiler could just pre-collect all the artifact to a "deployment depot" and let the dlopen reach for this "configurable" path. Or would redefine this const-path generator for the AOT build.

And is the constantness of the lib path really necessarily for efficient ccall?

simonbyrne commented 5 years ago

Is there any idea for how to integrate non-BP artifacts/dependencies? e.g. Conda.jl, or software which requires separate installers?

Similarly, what about providing a mechanism for overriding BP choices, e.g. the infamous Arpack issue, or cluster-specific MPI implementations?

staticfloat commented 5 years ago

For overriding choices like for Arpack, I think doing dev Arpack_jll, then just installing/copying/linking whatever libraries you want into ~/.julia/dev/Arpack_jll is the right solution.

davidanthoff commented 5 years ago

I think it would be awesome if one could say something like pkg> use_system_libs Arpack_jll, and then wouldn't need to link anything manually into ~/.julia/dev/Arpack_jll but somehow it would just pick up whatever version of the binary dependency is installed on the system.

StefanKarpinski commented 5 years ago

I want to second what @phlavenk said about generating these hardcoded paths being precisely why packages that require a build step are currently non-relocatable, so let's avoid that.

staticfloat commented 5 years ago

And is the constantness of the lib path really necessarily for efficient ccall?

According to Jameson, yes, it really is. Fortunately, we can work around this because by manually dlopen()'ing everything in __init__() we don't have to pass the absolute path in, we just need to pass in the SONAME of each library. To deal with this, I've added code in BB to ensure that the SONAME of a library (e.g. libjpeg.so.62 on Linux) is always openable (e.g. by ensuring that symlinks exist) and then always recording the SONAME as the name of the library in the Artifacts.toml, and using that as the const value that we pass into ccall. We don't need to worry about ambiguity errors here, because we will have already dlopen()'ed the correct value within __init__(), which we can do at runtime with dynamically calculated paths.

StefanKarpinski commented 5 years ago

@staticfloat and I came up with a plan that we then ran by @KristofferC and everyone is on board with. It's one of those stupid simple designs that seems totally obvious and like the first thing we should have come up with, but that's how design works, so 🤷‍♂. Here goes explaining it.

The Artifacts File

The core addition is an Artifacts.toml file which lives next to the Project.toml and Manifest.toml file. When installing a project (usually a package but it would make sense for apps too) which has an artifacts file, Pkg will look through the file and install any artifacts which are relevant to the current platform. (There should probably also be a way to also install for other platforms for cases where one is using Pkg to setup pre-installed package setups in shared directories for multiple platforms.)

The format of the Artifacts.toml file is as follows:

hash.sha256 = "b2ebe09298004f91b988e35d633668226d71995a84fbd12fea2b08c1201d427f"
url = "https://somedomain.com/path/to/dataset.csv"

hash.sha256 = "5dc925ffbda11f7e87f866351bf859ee7cbe8c0c7698c4201999c40085b4b980"
url = "https://server.com/nlp-model-1.onnx"

hash.sha256 = "19e7370ab1819d45c6126d5017ba0889bd64869e1593f826c6075899fb1c0a38"
url = "https://server.com/libfoo/Linux-armv7l/libfoo-1.2.3.tar.gz"
sys.os = "Linux"
sys.arch = "armv7l"

hash.sha256 = "95683bb088e35743966d1ea8b242c2694b57155c8084a406b29aecd81b4b6c92"
url = "https://server.com/libfoo/Windows-i686/libfoo-1.2.3.tar.gz"
sys.os = "Windows"
sys.arch = "i686"

hash.sha256 = "b65f08c0e4d454e2ff9298c5529e512b1081d0eebf46ad6e3364574e0ca7a783"
url = "https://server.com/libfoo/macOS-x86_64/libfoo-1.2.3.tar.gz"
sys.os = "macOS"
sys.arch = "x86_64"

What this means is:

So, for example when a package with this Artifacts.toml file in its root is installed, Pkg will look at this file after installation and download three additional files into the ~/.julia/artifacts directory:

If there is no variant of some artifact that matches the current platform, then there is a package installation error, much as if downloading the package itself had failed. Inside of a package which has an artifacts file, one will be able to write something like artifact"dataset-A" to get a path to the downloaded dataset-A artifact. Similarly, artifact"libfoo" will provide the location of the variant of the libfoo artifact which matches the current platform.

Note that the url entries in artifacts file should be considered "advisory" not permanent: they give a location where the artifact may be found, but if it has moved, then the artifact may be found by some other means by its hashes. This is similar to how I've proposed adding advisory repo locations in manifest files in the discussion on https://github.com/JuliaLang/Pkg.jl/issues/635 (contrary to the original desire there to put the URLs in the project file, which I don't think we should do).

Usage by BinaryBuilder & BinaryProvider

BinaryBuilder will generate libfoo packages which provide the API to load and use the libfoo binary dependency. These are normal Julia packages except that they are generated rather than written by hand. They are versioned and registered like normal Julia packages and it is these versions which the package resolver reasons about. The resolver does not know or care about specific variants of artifacts—it just picks a version of libfoo from the registry and then installs it. Once a chosen version is installed, Pkg looks at the installed Artifacts.toml file inside of libfoo and will see a set of [[libfoo]] stanzas for all the variants of the artifact which are provided by this version of the libfoo package. It will install the first one that matches the current platform. The source of the libfoo package will use the artifact"libfoo" API to find the location of the library and load it. The end user is presented with a simple API where they just write using libfoo to load and use the libfoo library.

In this design the manifest file remains platform independent: it contains an entry for the libfoo package, which is platform-independent. The libfoo package is the only place that needs to concern itself with variants of the libfoo artifacts and where to find them. It also avoids putting all the platform-specific information about artifact variants into the manifest file, which would lead to a lot of bloat, especially since it would be repeated in each manifest that depends on a platform-specific artifact. Instead, this design avoids repeating that information at all—it all lives in one place, in the package which uses the artifact. We may, however, want to allow the resolver to reason about which platforms a particular BB package version supports. This could be exposed in the registry to allow the resolver to pick a version that support the desired (usually current) platform. What does not need to go into the registry, however, is the details of the platform-specific artifacts—it only needs to know which platforms a version of a package supports—once a version is chosen, it is only in the install phase that Pkg needs to know about where to get artifact variants.

StefanKarpinski commented 5 years ago

Other things we might want to support:

StefanKarpinski commented 5 years ago

One thing that came up during the design discussion is: why have a separate Artifacts.toml file? Instead, one could have an [artifacts] section in the Project.toml file. There are a few reasons:

  1. It potentially contains a lot of very verbose, messy data (lots of long hashes), so keeping it out of the main project file, which is fairly easy to read and edit is probably a good thing.
  2. Deep nesting of TOML sections gets kind of ugly. If it was in the project file then the sections would be [artifacts.nlp-model-1] rather than just [nlp-model-1]. In a previous design iteration, the platform for artifact variants was in the section header, which made this more of an issue. In this iteration, the header is just the name of the artifact.
  3. If feels (to me) like a different thing than what goes in the project file. But that's pretty subjective.

We could potentially support having an [artifacts] section in the project file OR a separate Artifacts.toml file. Maybe BinaryBuilder-generated packages will be the only ones that use platform-specific variants, in which case having this in the project file wouldn't be so bad since those would be machine-generated and not often looked at or modified by humans, whereas package that people actually write would tend to have platform-independent artifacts that aren't so verbose.

davidanthoff commented 5 years ago

This sounds awesome!

Couple of random thoughts:

I think this kind of design would work for many more scenarios than just BinaryBuilder stuff, right? For example, I think I could entirely get rid of the build.jl scripts in cases like this or this? If that was the case, it would be fantastic.

Where would artifacts (and extracted artifacts) be stored? Ideally not in the package folder, right? But in something like .julia/artifacts? That way if a package gets updated, but still needs the same artifact, the artifact wouldn't have to be redownloaded/extracted, right?

I like Artifacts.toml, and I wouldn't allow that stuff to also appear in Project.toml. I generally think for something like that it is better to not offer choices, it just gets confusing, and then one also needs to support all these different options in all the tools, and I just don't think it is worth the extra effort.

Could there be a "fallback" script option for an artifact that is invoked if there is no binary for the current platform? This could be optional. But one could imagine something like:

build_script = "debs/build.jl"

If a section like that is present, and there is no binary for the current platform for libfoo, then this script runs. And then folks could still try to compile for exotic platforms in that script, or do something else.

And one question: I assume artifact acquisition would just happen during build?

StefanKarpinski commented 5 years ago

I think this kind of design would work for many more scenarios than just BinaryBuilder stuff, right? For example, I think I could entirely get rid of the build.jl scripts in cases like this or this? If that was the case, it would be fantastic.

Yes, this isn't BinaryBuilder-specific at all and would be perfect for doing that kind of thing without a build step. Our long-term goal is to get rid of deps/build.jl altogether and make packages completely immutable — install them and never change them. Of course artifacts will also be content-addressed and immutable. There's a theme here 😁

Where would artifacts (and extracted artifacts) be stored? Ideally not in the package folder, right? But in something like .julia/artifacts? That way if a package gets updated, but still needs the same artifact, the artifact wouldn't have to be redownloaded/extracted, right?

Yes, I mentioned ~/.julia/artifacts above but forgot to elaborate. It should be content-addressed and immutable, so the simplest version of this would be that an artifact with hash 95683bb088e35743966d1ea8b242c2694b57155c8084a406b29aecd81b4b6c92 would get installed at ~/.julia/artifacts/95683bb088e35743966d1ea8b242c2694b57155c8084a406b29aecd81b4b6c92. However, there a few issues with that:

  1. It's a very long path name and some tools do not like long path names (Conda, I'm looking at you). That's why Pkg uses five-character slugs instead of the full UUID and tree hash—that's just way too long.
  2. It doesn't include the name of the artifact, making it pretty annoying to navigate manually, which is a thing one does find oneself occasionally doing.

So the obvious solution is to use the name of the artifact with a slug derived from its content hash, so something like this:


There are a few problems with that though:

Neither issue seems fatal, so I think that's probably what we should do.

I like Artifacts.toml, and I wouldn't allow that stuff to also appear in Project.toml. I generally think for something like that it is better to not offer choices, it just gets confusing, and then one also needs to support all these different options in all the tools, and I just don't think it is worth the extra effort.

I think you're probably right. There's one other reason for a separate file that just occurred to me—this file needs to be parsed at runtime in order to find artifacts, so we want it to be pretty simple and regular and not have to look at a lot of different options or variations. This is similar to how code loading needs to parse through the manifest file, so the scheme for finding code needs to be fast and simple for that. Similarly, artifact finding needs to be fast and simple and I think that suggests a separate file.

Could there be a "fallback" script option for an artifact that is invoked if there is no binary for the current platform?

That's certainly a possibility. I'd prefer to only do this if it turns out to be necessary, but it might.

I assume artifact acquisition would just happen during build?

I think it would happen before after installation and before build. After all, it shouldn't depend on the build at all since it's just a matter of installing some thing and putting them in the right place, and that way if there is a build step it can rely on artifacts already being present.

StefanKarpinski commented 5 years ago

Just to spell this out, the artifact loading process is that when Julia sees artifact"dataset-A" in the code of a package, it looks for Artifacts.toml in that package root and looks for a top-level stanza named dataset-A. Assuming that this is a table, i.e. [dataset-A], it then looks for the hash of the artifact in that table and then looks for $depot/artifacts/dataset-A/$(slug(hash)) and returns that path. For artifact"libfoo" where presumably one finds a series of [[libfoo]] stanzas instead, the process is one keeps looking through these and until one finds one where the sys.os and sys.arch and such selectors match the current system. Once a matching stanza is found, one again looks up $depot/artifacts/libfoo/$(slug(hash)).

giordano commented 5 years ago

What if one wants to build a binary locally instead of using the one provided by BinaryBuilder? Would they need to edit the Artifacts.toml in order to be able to load their binaries?

staticfloat commented 5 years ago

Could there be a "fallback" script option for an artifact that is invoked if there is no binary for the current platform?

I don't like this, because it implicitly makes wherever this artifact should live mutable, and we don't like that. I think mutable state package state should be something else; perhaps some kind of "workspace" API that could define lifecycles for data that are longer than just the lifecycle of a project.

For most of these kinds of projects, what you truly want is a DSL to express data processing flows that allows for arbitrary steps (e.g. if input files A, B or C change, then regenerate D, which would then also cause E to be regenerated, etc...) similar to a Makefile. That would be best provided by a package that builds on top of a filesystem organizational system; perhaps provided by Pkg, or perhaps not and just manually set up by you. I think the need for those kinds of processes is outside the scope of Pkg.

StefanKarpinski commented 5 years ago

It also occurs to me that unlike packages which are fairly self-documenting, artifacts are just blobs of data, so we may want to add an extra layer of information identifying artifacts. Maybe this:

            Artifact.toml # info about the artifact: full hash, origin URL, system info
                # actual files go here
stevengj commented 5 years ago

For most of these kinds of projects, what you truly want is a DSL to express data processing flows that allows for arbitrary steps (e.g. if input files A, B or C change, then regenerate D, which would then also cause E to be regenerated, etc...) similar to a Makefile.

We already have one half-baked, poorly documented make replacement in BinDeps, please let's not add another. I just want an "if binary isn't available, please run myfallback(installpath) …"

it implicitly makes wherever this artifact should live mutable

Why can't the fallback install to the same location?

StefanKarpinski commented 5 years ago

Why can't the fallback install to the same location?

Because we're trying to make this immutable and content-addressable. In particular, think about having platform-specific artifacts living together on a shared file system.

staticfloat commented 5 years ago

Any kind of "run arbitrary code as a fallback to binaries not being available" is, in my mind, a step backwards. The reason I say that this introduces mutable state, is because if all we are doing is downloading and unpacking a tarball, that's a one-step process. Excluding the small possibility that something goes wrong mid-extraction (not something I have seen very often), the files are either there, or they are not. With an arbitrary code fallback, the state of the build directory very often causes problems when the build tries to be run a second time. I have to address an issue with SpecialFunctions.jl about once every ten days, where a user contacts me because something isn't working and it is always, without fail, due to a previous fallback invocation messing something up for future fallback invocations. Even worse, the number of things that can go wrong in that case are many, many times larger than the number of things that can go wrong when downloading and extracting something.

StefanKarpinski commented 5 years ago

I am also not eager to support arbitrary execution fallbacks. The whole point of this BinaryBuilder endeavor is to make it so that all you ever have to do anywhere is unpack some files.

davidanthoff commented 5 years ago

I think the fallback would clearly be hardly used. Presumably almost all uses of build.jl would just disappear. But there are platforms where there is no binary, and without a fallback there is currently no good story for those cases, as far as I can tell. So I have a hard time seeing "a step backwards", because I'm imagining that this would only kick in if the normal artifact procedure didn't work for a rare platform. At that point nothing works, so it is difficult to see how a fallback could make things worse.

staticfloat commented 5 years ago

But there are platforms where there is no binary, and without a fallback there is currently no good story for those cases, as far as I can tell.

Specifically, what kinds of platforms are you speaking of?

At that point nothing works, so it is difficult to see how a fallback could make things worse.

In the SpecialFunctions case (not to harp on that package in particular, but just because it's the first example that comes to mind), all the complaints I get are from users who should be using the BB-built tarballs, but have somehow managed to force themselves to use the fallback. My most common piece of advice is to just delete the entire deps/usr directory, and when they try to build again, it all just works.

I think when you give package authors the ability to embed arbitrary Julia code into their build process, it is very difficult for them to avoid the temptation to use it to solve minor problems, which then transform into major problems. I don't blame them for trying to solve problems; I blame us for giving them inadequate tools.

Even after merging this, Pkg.build() will still work. If you try to install a package with an Artifact.toml that does not include your platform, there will simply be no artifact installed. You could write your own deps/build.jl to detect that situation and run whatever script you want then.

StefanKarpinski commented 5 years ago

But there are platforms where there is no binary, and without a fallback there is currently no good story for those cases, as far as I can tell.

The story is: add BinaryBuilder support for that platform.

At that point nothing works, so it is difficult to see how a fallback could make things worse.

Because now we have to support a complex, hardly used fallback mechanism...

Maybe we could do something like if no platform variant exists, just look for


and if that exists, use that instead of failing. I would want to leave it entirely up to the end user in such situations to figure out how to put something there that works though.

staticfloat commented 5 years ago

Maybe we could do something like if no platform variant exists, just look for...

I think that will tie in with our answer to @giordano's question above as well:

What if one wants to build a binary locally instead of using the one provided by BinaryBuilder? Would they need to edit the Artifacts.toml in order to be able to load their binaries?

I think ideally no, what I would want is for you to do something like say pkg> dev LibFoo_jll, then go to ~/.julia/dev/LibFoo_jll/deps/usr, plop your libraries into the lib directory and call it good. But this is, of course, breaking the "warranty is void if broken" sticker; at that point you're on your own if the libraries do or don't work.

davidanthoff commented 5 years ago

I mostly remember users from obscure large cluster systems?

Maybe we could do something like if no platform variant exists, just look for ~/.julia/artifacts/libfoo/fallback

I like that! I think that is easier to handle than deving things and then copying stuff over. Why require the extra dev step?

staticfloat commented 5 years ago

I like that! I think that is easier to handle than deving things and then copying stuff over. Why require the extra dev step?

The dev step is necessary to denote to the resolver that you don't want this package to participate in things like pkg> upgrade events. You want the rest of Pkg to just ignore it and not touch it (at least for this environment; perhaps a different environment should use the BB-sourced binaries).

Additionally, we don't really want people adding/removing things from ~/.julia/packages or ~/.julia/artifacts, as those are "managed" by Pkg and should be considered read-only.

Petr-Hlavenka commented 5 years ago

I have a great feeling about the direction the julia dependencies (immutability, central management by Pkg) are evolving. And I hold my thumbs for Tom Short's shoot on slimmed-down AOT static compilation -- JuliaLang/Julia#32273. My concern now is, if we have all the infrastructure in Pkg and have a "no-sysimg use-so-libs" static compilation, will it be only a matter of defining new "static" architecture (like "i686-so") and rerunning the BB for the static library generation? So at the end if I change my project to "static-library" architecture, the Pkg resolver will download all the "static-library" artifacts?

oxinabox commented 5 years ago

Key pointss from discussion on slack:

Artifact objects are only understood really by there maching _JLL packages. Their identity

It is a strong assumption of the system that any file being distributed by the artifact system what handcrafted expressly for this purpose. This is probably good for keeping scope constrained. (and it isn't like e.g. DataDeps, or BinDeps is going to stop working so...) Thus there is no support for arbitary post processing. It is either extract (which will likely only support tar.gz) or do not extract. Do not extract is the default, but for anything created by BinaryBuilder, extract will be used. There is no support for hash's other than SHA256. (So can't use say MD5 hash's provided by others.)

The hash is also used for the identity of the artifact object from within the _jll package. From outside the _jll package, then the _jll package itself is the identity of the object. Thus when talking about version of a binary dependency (or data data versions), one is talking about versions (and UUIDs) of _jll packages. But when a _jll package is sorting out downloading data, then it is saying to the server "Give me the object with this SHA256 hash".

Supporting multiple URLs for mirroring purposes may be a thing. URLs are intended as "advisory" and are only used for unregistered packages. During registration @StefanKarpinski wants to actually rehost the files somewhere else. At least for the General registry.