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50 x perfomance regression in 0.5.0 when indexing > 4 dimensional array #18774

Closed samuelpowell closed 7 years ago

samuelpowell commented 7 years ago

I have a private code which is experiencing a severe performance regression:

0.4.6: 0.072002 seconds (324.63 k allocations: 41.946 MB, 46.46% gc time), 0.5.0: 3.908818 seconds (18.74 M allocations: 512.229 MB, 1.76% gc time).

Profiling the code on 0.5.0 indicates that almost all the time is spent in to_indexes following an assignment operation on a 5-dimensional matrix:

L[flmidx(l,m),tidx,elidx[1],elidx[2],elidx[3]] += val.

If I rewrite the subscript as a linear index:

L[sub2ind(size(L),flmidx(l,m),tidx,elidx[1],elidx[2],elidx[3])] += val,

the regression is avoided

0.5.0: 0.075638 seconds (698.01 k allocations: 54.585 MB, 13.93% gc time).


This looks very much like #11819, though the example in said issue does not demonstrate a regression.

I have tried repeatedly to create a suitable MWE, but the regression disappears when I change almost anything about the setting of the assignment. If someone from core Julia would like to have a look, please let me know.

StefanKarpinski commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the report. If you're willing to share code privately, let us know. cc: @mbauman.

mbauman commented 7 years ago

As a first pass, you could try adding an inline annotation to to_indexes. You might be able to get away with redefining it at the REPL if you do first thing in a new session:

import Base: to_index, to_indexes
@inline to_indexes(i1, I...) = (to_index(i1), to_indexes(I...)...)
StefanKarpinski commented 7 years ago

@mbauman: is that suggestion meant as a work-around or a way of debugging the perf issue?

mbauman commented 7 years ago

It's a stab at a remote debugging attempt. If it resolves the issue it's a very easy fix.

samuelpowell commented 7 years ago

@mbauman, forcing the inlining indeed resolves the regression, bravo!

I don't know what I am doing which is contrary to the inlining heuristic (though the indexing is by a mixture of inlined functions, scalars, and array elements)... If you would like to look at the code privately let me know.

aaowens commented 7 years ago

I also experienced this issue in a code which is much slower on 0.5 than 0.4. I made an example.

A3 = rand(10, 10, 10);
function test3(A, nx1, nx2, nx3)
  for i = 1:10_000_000
    A[nx1, nx2, nx3]

A5 = rand(10, 10, 10, 10, 10);
function test5(A, nx1, nx2, nx3, nx4, nx5)
  for i = 1:10_000_000
    A[nx1, nx2, nx3, nx4, nx5]

A6 = rand(10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10);
function test6(A, nx1, nx2, nx3, nx4, nx5, nx6)
  for i = 1:10_000_000
    A[nx1, nx2, nx3, nx4, nx5, nx6]
function test6_fast(A, nx1, nx2, nx3, nx4, nx5, nx6)
  Asize = size(A)
  for i = 1:10_000_000
    A[sub2ind(Asize, nx1, nx2, nx3, nx4, nx5, nx6 )]
@time test3(A3, 1, 1, 1)
@time test5(A5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
@time test6(A6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
@time test6_fast(A6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)


julia> @time test6(A6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
  0.012555 seconds (4 allocations: 160 bytes)


julia> @time test6(A6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
 18.955561 seconds (90.00 M allocations: 2.086 GB, 1.52% gc time)

For me the cutoff is from 5 to 6 dimensional arrays. I tried running the code @mbauman posted, but it didn't fix the issue. Using a linear index fixes the issue.

JaredCrean2 commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure this is completely fixed. I have a 6 dimensional stencil computation testcase here that shows a slowdown compared to julia 0.4. I build 0.6 commit 4ec2db0* (2016-10-29 05:01 UTC), so it should have the most recent fix.

0.4 timing:

testing outer_func2
  0.023961 seconds
  0.025217 seconds

0.5 timing:

testing outer_func2
 85.783995 seconds (496.04 M allocations: 11.510 GB, 0.98% gc time)
# I didn't wait for the second one

0.6 timing:

testing outer_func2
  3.052716 seconds (17.72 M allocations: 432.587 MB, 3.72% gc time)
  5.415282 seconds (17.72 M allocations: 432.510 MB, 0.83% gc time)

The profiler is running the second time, which is why the second run is slower.

The profile results:


 Count File                       Function                                 Line
    32 ./boot.jl                  include                                   261
    33 ./client.jl                _start                                    378
    33 ./client.jl                process_options                           284
    32 ./loading.jl               include_from_node1                        304
     1 ./stream.jl                buffer_or_write                           969
     1 ./stream.jl                stream_wait                                60
     1 ./stream.jl                uv_write                                  945
     1 ./stream.jl                write                                     993
     1 ./task.jl                  wait                                      369
     1 ...test_inline_testcase.jl outer_func2                                26
     2 ...test_inline_testcase.jl outer_func2                                38
     1 ...test_inline_testcase.jl outer_func2                                44
     3 ...test_inline_testcase.jl outer_func2                                62
     1 printf.jl                  print_fixed                               191
     1 printf.jl                  time_print                                162
     1 simdloop.jl                outer_func2                                67
     3 simdloop.jl                outer_func2                                75
    20 simdloop.jl                outer_func2                                84
    31 util.jl                    runtest                                   155
     1 util.jl                    runtest                                   158


 Count File                        Line Function
  6920 ./array.jl                   475 setindex!(::Array{Float64,6}, ::Flo...
  7161 ./client.jl                  335 _start()
  7161 ./client.jl                  271 process_options(::Base.JLOptions)
     1 ./event.jl                   153 wait()
     1 ./io.jl                      263 unsafe_write(::Base.TTY, ::Base.Ref...
     1 ./io.jl                      302 write(::Base.TTY, ::Char)
  7161 ./loading.jl                 532 include_from_node1(::String)
  9906 ./operators.jl               868 to_indexes(::Int64, ::Int64, ::Vara...
     1 ./printf.jl                  187 print_fixed(::Base.TTY, ::Int64, ::...
  7161 ./profile.jl                  22 macro expansion
    22 ./simdloop.jl                 71 macro expansion
  7124 ./simdloop.jl                 72 macro expansion
     3 ./simdloop.jl                 71 outer_func2(::Array{Float64,6}, ::A...
     1 ./stream.jl                   42 stream_wait(::Task)
     1 ./stream.jl                  774 unsafe_write(::Base.TTY, ::Ptr{UInt...
     1 ./stream.jl                  764 uv_write(::Base.TTY, ::Ptr{UInt8}, ...
  7161 ./sysimg.jl                   14 include(::String)
  7160 ./util.jl                    194 macro expansion
     1 ./util.jl                    197 macro expansion
     1 ./util.jl                    156 time_print(::UInt64, ::Int64, ::Int...
     4 ...test_inline_testcase.jl    26 macro expansion
    78 ...test_inline_testcase.jl    32 macro expansion
  7042 ...test_inline_testcase.jl    62 macro expansion
     4 ...test_inline_testcase.jl    15 outer_func2(::Array{Float64,6}, ::A...
  7146 ...test_inline_testcase.jl    16 outer_func2(::Array{Float64,6}, ::A...
  7161 ...test_inline_testcase.jl    88 runtest()

Its better than 0.5, but to_indexes is taking up most of the time

JaredCrean2 commented 7 years ago

cc @timholy

timholy commented 7 years ago

Would be great if you'd contribute that to BaseBenchmarks.

JaredCrean2 commented 7 years ago

Sure, I'll put together a PR this weekend.

JaredCrean2 commented 7 years ago

Finally got the benchmark together and merged.

@tkelman backport?

tkelman commented 7 years ago

19097 is already labeled

JaredCrean2 commented 7 years ago

Ah, I missed that. Thanks.