JuliaLang / julia

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Error while recompiling stale cache #21270

Closed stakaz closed 7 years ago

stakaz commented 7 years ago

Hello, I have the julia from arch linux repositories

Version 0.5.1 (2017-03-05 13:25 UTC)

I have not used julia for about two month. After I have updated all packages I tried to import one to use it in the session (e.g. PyCall, PyPlot or DataFrames, I think it does not matter) but I get the following error while importing

INFO: Recompiling stale cache file /home/gluon/.julia/lib/v0.5/DataFrames.ji for module DataFrames.
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching *(::Void, ::Tuple{})
Closest candidates are:
  *(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any...) at operators.jl:138
 in eval_user_input(::Any, ::Base.REPL.REPLBackend) at ./REPL.jl:64
 in macro expansion at ./REPL.jl:95 [inlined]
 in (::Base.REPL.##3#4{Base.REPL.REPLBackend})() at ./event.jl:68

I have not found any issues where the same error appears. Can someone help me please.

stevengj commented 7 years ago

I haven't seen that one before; I wish there was a way to reproduce it.

As a workaround, you can try rm /home/gluon/.julia/lib/v0.5/*.ji to force it to recompile all of your cache files.

stakaz commented 7 years ago

This did not help, still the same error occurs while precompiling.

stevengj commented 7 years ago

What is Pkg.status()?

stakaz commented 7 years ago
julia> Pkg.status()
21 required packages:
 - Atom                          0.5.10
 - Bootstrap                     1.1.0
 - Cairo                         0.3.0
 - Distributions                 0.12.2
 - Fontconfig                    0.1.1
 - Formatting                    0.2.1
 - GR                            0.19.0
 - GSL                           0.3.5
 - Gadfly                        0.6.0
 - IJulia                        1.4.1
 - ImageMagick                   0.2.3
 - Images                        0.9.1+             master
 - Jacobi                        0.3.0
 - Jewel                         1.0.8
 - LsqFit                        0.2.0
 - PGFPlots                      1.5.0
 - PlotlyJS                      0.5.2
 - Plots                         0.10.3
 - PyPlot                        2.3.1
 - Roots                         0.3.0
 - TexExtensions                 0.0.3
124 additional packages:
 - ASTInterpreter                0.0.4
 - AbstractTrees                 0.0.4
 - ArgParse                      0.4.0
 - AxisAlgorithms                0.1.6
 - AxisArrays                    0.1.0
 - BinDeps                       0.4.7
 - Blink                         0.5.1                                                                                                                                                       
 - COFF                          0.0.2                                                                                                                                                       
 - CRC                           1.2.0                                                                                                                                                       
 - Calculus                      0.2.2                                                                                                                                                       
 - CatIndices                    0.0.2                                                                                                                                                       
 - CodeTools                     0.4.3                                                                                                                                                       
 - Codecs                        0.3.0                                                                                                                                                       
 - ColorBrewer                   0.3.0                                                                                                                                                       
 - ColorTypes                    0.4.0                                                                                                                                                       
 - ColorVectorSpace              0.4.1                                                                                                                                                       
 - Colors                        0.7.3                                                                                                                                                       
 - Combinatorics                 0.4.0
 - Compat                        0.22.0
 - Compose                       0.4.5
 - ComputationalResources        0.0.2
 - Conda                         0.5.3
 - Contour                       0.2.0
 - CoordinateTransformations     0.4.0
 - CustomUnitRanges              0.0.4
 - DWARF                         0.1.0
 - DataArrays                    0.3.12
 - DataFrames                    0.9.0
 - DataStructures                0.5.3
 - DiffBase                      0.1.0
 - Discretizers                  0.3.1
 - Distances                     0.4.1
 - DocStringExtensions           0.3.2
 - DualNumbers                   0.3.0
 - ELF                           0.1.0
 - FFTViews                      0.0.2
 - FactCheck                     0.4.3
 - FileIO                        0.3.1
 - FixedPointNumbers             0.3.6
 - FixedSizeArrays               0.2.5
 - ForwardDiff                   0.4.1
 - GZip                          0.3.0
 - Gallium                       0.0.4
 - Glob                          1.1.0
 - Graphics                      0.2.0
 - Hexagons                      0.0.4
 - Hiccup                        0.1.1
 - HttpCommon                    0.2.7
 - HttpParser                    0.2.0
 - HttpServer                    0.2.0
 - ImageAxes                     0.2.1
 - ImageCore                     0.2.1
 - ImageFiltering                0.1.4
 - ImageMetadata                 0.2.3
 - ImageTransformations          0.1.0
 - ImageView                     0.3.2
 - IndirectArrays                0.1.1
 - IniFile                       0.3.1
 - Interpolations                0.3.8
 - IntervalSets                  0.0.5
 - Iterators                     0.3.0
 - JSON                          0.8.3
 - JuliaParser                   0.7.4
 - Juno                          0.2.7
 - KernelDensity                 0.3.2
 - LNR                           0.0.2
 - LaTeXStrings                  0.2.1
 - Lazy                          0.11.6
 - LineSearches                  0.1.5
 - Loess                         0.1.0
 - MachO                         0.0.4
 - MacroTools                    0.3.6
 - MappedArrays                  0.0.7
 - MbedTLS                       0.4.5
 - Measures                      0.0.3
 - Media                         0.2.6
 - Mustache                      0.1.4
 - Mux                           0.2.3
 - NaNMath                       0.2.4
 - Nettle                        0.3.0
 - ObjFileBase                   0.0.4
 - OffsetArrays                  0.2.14
 - Optim                         0.7.8
 - PDMats                        0.5.6
 - PlotThemes                    0.1.1
 - PlotUtils                     0.3.0
 - PolynomialFactors             0.0.4
 - Polynomials                   0.1.5
 - PositiveFactorizations        0.0.4
 - Primes                        0.1.3
 - PyCall                        1.11.1
 - QuadGK                        0.1.2
 - RangeArrays                   0.1.2
 - Ratios                        0.0.4
 - Reactive                      0.3.7
 - RecipesBase                   0.1.0
 - Reel                          0.2.1
 - Reexport                      0.0.3
 - Requires                      0.3.0
 - Rmath                         0.1.6
 - Rotations                     0.3.5
 - SHA                           0.3.2
 - SIUnits                       0.1.0
 - ShowItLikeYouBuildIt          0.0.1
 - Showoff                       0.0.7
 - SimpleTraits                  0.4.0
 - SortingAlgorithms             0.1.1
 - SpecialFunctions              0.1.1
 - StaticArrays                  0.3.0
 - StatsBase                     0.13.1
 - StatsFuns                     0.4.0
 - StructIO                      0.0.2
 - TerminalUI                    0.0.2
 - TextWrap                      0.2.0
 - TikzPictures                  0.3.5
 - TiledIteration                0.0.2
 - Tk                            0.5.2
 - URIParser                     0.1.8
 - VT100                         0.1.0
 - VideoIO                       0.2.0
 - WebSockets                    0.2.1
 - Winston                       0.13.0
 - WoodburyMatrices              0.2.2
 - ZMQ                           0.4.2
stakaz commented 7 years ago

The only fancy stuff is the Image package.

tkelman commented 7 years ago

anything in your juliarc? exactly what did you run to get this error?

stakaz commented 7 years ago

Where do I find juliarc? I don't have it in the .config directory. I start julia and try to import DataFrames (or any other package)

gluon:~ $ julia
   _       _ _(_)_     |  A fresh approach to technical computing
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |  Documentation: http://docs.julialang.org
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?help" for help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.5.1 (2017-03-05 13:25 UTC)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  
|__/                   |  x86_64-pc-linux-gnu

julia> import DataFrames()
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching *(::Void, ::Tuple{})
Closest candidates are:
  *(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any...) at operators.jl:138
 in eval_user_input(::Any, ::Base.REPL.REPLBackend) at ./REPL.jl:64
 in macro expansion at ./REPL.jl:95 [inlined]
 in (::Base.REPL.##3#4{Base.REPL.REPLBackend})() at ./event.jl:68

tkelman commented 7 years ago

it's the trailing () that is incorrect syntax, leave that off

stakaz commented 7 years ago

Ups ;) Thanks ;) So, everything works just fine... Sometimes there is a simple mistake which is hardest to find.