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Julia master intermittent error in lapack? #24392

Closed colbec closed 6 years ago

colbec commented 6 years ago


  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.7.0-DEV.2341 (2017-10-28 20:02 UTC)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Commit fcb5f42229 (0 days old master)
|__/                   |  x86_64-suse-linux

make && make testall produced an error:

Error in testset linalg/lapack:
Test Failed at /home/colin/Downloads/julia7/test/linalg/lapack.jl:447
  Expression: b ≈ c

However make test-linalg ran successfully. So I am not sure if this was an error or not.

Test Summary:           |     Pass  Fail  Broken     Total
  Overall               | 27716280     1  328303  28044584
    ambiguous           |       61             2        63
    linalg/matmul       |      535                     535
    linalg/qr           |     3057                    3057
    linalg/schur        |      380                     380
    linalg/special      |      947                     947
    linalg/eigen        |      391                     391
    linalg/svd          |      295                     295
    linalg/dense        |     6995                    6995
    linalg/bunchkaufman |     5239                    5239
    linalg/lapack       |      763     1               764
    linalg/tridiag      |     1067                    1067
    linalg/pinv         |      288                     288
    linalg/bidiag       |     1890                    1890
    linalg/givens       |     1552                    1552
    linalg/cholesky     |     2260                    2260
    linalg/lu           |     1486                    1486
    linalg/diagonal     |     1325                    1325
    linalg/generic      |      423                     423
    linalg/uniformscaling |      274                     274
    linalg/hessenberg   |       40                      40
    linalg/rowvector    |      147                     147
    linalg/conjarray    |       10                      10
    linalg/symmetric    |     1937                    1937
    linalg/blas         |      490                     490
    linalg/lq           |     1405                    1405
    linalg/arnoldi      |      264                     264
    linalg/triangular   |    33826                   33826
    sparse/sparse       |     1822                    1822
    sparse/umfpack      |      137                     137
    sparse/sparsevector |     8325                    8325
    sparse/spqr         |       63                      63
    strings/basic       |    32145                   32145
    strings/search      |      555                     555
    strings/util        |      385                     385
    strings/io          |    12533                   12533
    strings/types       |     8943                    8943
    unicode/UnicodeError |        1                       1
    unicode/utf8proc    |      767                     767
    sparse/cholmod      |      515                     515
    unicode/utf8        |  1048595                 1048595
    dates/adjusters     |     3147                    3147
    dates/query         |      988                     988
    dates/accessors     |  7723858                 7723858
    sparse/higherorderfns |     6441           584      7025
    dates/rounding      |      157                     157
    subarray            |      202                     202
    dates/ranges        |   348530                  348530
    dates/types         |      167                     167
    dates/conversions   |      159                     159
    dates/periods       |      678                     678
    inference           |      373                     373
    dates/arithmetic    |      312                     312
    worlds              |       61                      61
    dates/io            |      254                     254
    keywordargs         |      114                     114
    subtype             |   337337            16    337353
    char                |     1707                    1707
    triplequote         |       28                      28
    intrinsics          |       29                      29
    printf              |      737                     737
    hashing             |    14847                   14847
    iobuffer            |      195                     195
    staged              |       60                      60
    dict                |   134186                  134186
    core                |    34206                   34206
    tuple               |      433                     433
    reduce              |      268                     268
    reducedim           |      658                     658
    offsetarray         |      307                     307
    random              |   202512                  202512
    numbers             |  1478249                 1478249
    intfuncs            |     4351                    4351
    simdloop            |      216                     216
    vecelement          |      533                     533
    copy                |      312                     312
    arrayops            |     1611                    1611
    fastmath            |      793                     793
    functional          |       62                      62
    abstractarray       |     2387                    2387
    operators           |       73                      73
    path                |      227            12       239
    iterators           |      925                     925
    ccall               |     3864                    3864
    parse               |     1181                    1181
    loading             |       24                      24
    bigfloat            |       32                      32
    math                |  1501197                 1501197
    bigint              |     2060                    2060
    spawn               |      118             4       122
    backtrace           |       22             1        23
    statistics          |      387             1       388
    sorting             |     4864                    4864
    read                |     2429                    2429
    version             |   124472                  124472
    pollfd              |      344                     344
    resolve             |     2648                    2648
    mpfr                |      753                     753
    complex             |     1115                    1115
    socket              |      138                     138
    floatapprox         |       49                      49
    file                |      907                     907
    broadcast           |      306                     306
    regex               |       35                      35
    float16             |      124                     124
    reflection          |      334                     334
    combinatorics       |       98                      98
    sysinfo             |        2                       2
    env                 |      128                     128
    rounding            |      327                     327
    mod2pi              |       80                      80
    euler               |       12                      12
    show                |      210                     210
    lineedit            |      316                     316
    replcompletions     |      303             2       305
    repl                |      231                     231
    replutil            |      188                     188
    sets                |      251                     251
    goto                |       18                      18
    llvmcall            |       13                      13
    llvmcall2           |        6                       6
    grisu               |      683                     683
    stdlib              |                         No tests
    meta                |       44                      44
    stacktraces         |       42                      42
    ranges              | 12107296        327680  12434976
    nullable            |    98030                   98030
    docs                |      209                     209
    markdown            |      210                     210
    serialize           |       97                      97
    bitarray            |   890836                  890836
    enums               |       79                      79
    threads             |   190563                  190563
    i18n                |        2                       2
    workspace           |        3                       3
    libdl               |       62                      62
    int                 |    10714                   10714
    misc                |  1280080                 1280080
    bitset              |      178                     178
    checked             |     1219                    1219
    floatfuncs          |      114                     114
    inline              |       22                      22
    boundscheck         |                         No tests
    error               |       28                      28
    cartesian           |        7                       7
    asmvariant          |        3                       3
    osutils             |       21                      21
    libgit2             |      611             1       612
    iostream            |       21                      21
    specificity         |      105                     105
    codegen             |       98                      98
    codevalidation      |       34                      34
    reinterpretarray    |        9                       9
    channels            |      187                     187
    examples            |       22                      22
    cmdlineargs         |      150                     150
    distributed         |                         No tests
    compile             |       92                      92

The global RNG seed was 0x3b37376337fa2a521a4b91384d80edbd.

Error in testset linalg/lapack:
Test Failed at /home/colin/Downloads/julia7/test/linalg/lapack.jl:447
  Expression: b ≈ c
   Evaluated: Complex{Float32}[-24791.3+18799.1im, 7934.31-3538.27im, -7955.31+9980.84im, 14234.2-28400.3im, -13711.6+14559.2im, 2412.88-1568.1im, 1258.69-8653.47im, -11247.0-12863.6im, 16173.0+6653.69im, 11512.9+11338.7im] ≈ Complex{Float32}[-24857.8+18954.5im, 7962.25-3576.29im, -7966.06+10049.3im, 14225.1-28572.6im, -13737.2+14664.7im, 2420.06-1581.98im, 1241.39-8697.7im, -11334.7-12894.1im, 16267.2+6641.66im, 11597.7+11361.3im]
ERROR: LoadError: Test run finished with errors
in expression starting at /home/colin/Downloads/julia7/test/runtests.jl:29
Makefile:18: recipe for target 'all' failed
make[1]: *** [all] Error 1
Makefile:551: recipe for target 'testall' failed
make: *** [testall] Error 2
andreasnoack commented 6 years ago

I think this was fixed by https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/24446