Emacs starts successfully with the following in the ESS buffer:
[ess-site.el]: ess-customize-alist=nil
[ess-site.el _2_]: ess-customize-alist=nil
Creating global Emacs toolbar(R): ess-r-versions-create making M-x defuns for
[ess-site:] ess-lisp-directory = 'c:/Program Files/GNU Emacs 26.1/share/emacs/site-lisp/ess'[ess-site.el]: ess-customize-alist=nil
[ess-site.el _2_]: ess-customize-alist=nil
[ess-site:] *very* end ...
Starting Julia with M-x julia requests the project directory (~ by default) and causes Emacs to hang, displaying the following line at the bottom:
Type C-h m for help on ESS version 17.11
Emacs does not resume unless C-g is pressed. The julia buffer has been created. The ESS buffer now adds the following lines:
Finally, in the julia buffer, there is no Julia prompt and no display of the Julia splash message. However, this buffer does run Julia commands and report the results properly. Looks like either Emacs does not pick up Julia's execution correctly or Julia does not report execution correctly to Emacs.
Windows 10
GNU Emacs 26.1, build 1
Julia 1.0.1
Julia Version 1.0.1
Commit 0d713926f8 (2018-09-29 19:05 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Windows (x86_64-w64-mingw32)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HQ CPU @ 2.90GHz
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-6.0.0 (ORCJIT, skylake)
Emacs starts successfully with the following in the ESS buffer:
Starting Julia with M-x julia requests the project directory (~ by default) and causes Emacs to hang, displaying the following line at the bottom: Type C-h m for help on ESS version 17.11
Emacs does not resume unless C-g is pressed. The julia buffer has been created. The ESS buffer now adds the following lines:
Finally, in the julia buffer, there is no Julia prompt and no display of the Julia splash message. However, this buffer does run Julia commands and report the results properly. Looks like either Emacs does not pick up Julia's execution correctly or Julia does not report execution correctly to Emacs.
Information: Windows 10 GNU Emacs 26.1, build 1 Julia 1.0.1
Relevant lines in init.el:
ESS Github has indicated that ESS requires the splash screen to function correctly.