Closed George9000 closed 2 years ago
Could you do a git bisect
Maybe something like:
git bisect good 1fb28ad876
git bisect bad 5e08c20c70
git bisect run make test-ambiguous
git bisect run
as suggested above. Output:
5e08c20c7094b032d68cd4f200fb4f707a292d2e is the first bad commit
commit 5e08c20c7094b032d68cd4f200fb4f707a292d2e
Author: Steven G. Johnson <>
Date: Tue May 10 19:28:19 2022 -0400
add bswap(x::Bool)=x (#45265)
* missing bswap for Bool
* add a test
base/int.jl | 2 +-
test/int.jl | 1 +
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
bisect found first bad commit
I rather think this is
Indeed. Here's the successful testall
on 13ae0790ab
after the merged revert above.
Thank you.
Thank you @George9000 and @KristofferC!
Built committ
. This failure is new since1fb28ad876
which built and passedmake testall
.Test was run with an isolated
click for versioninfo details
``` Julia Version 1.9.0-DEV.528 Commit 5e08c20c70 (2022-05-10 23:28 UTC) Platform Info: OS: macOS (arm64-apple-darwin21.4.0) uname: Darwin 21.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.4.0: Fri Mar 18 00:46:32 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.101.4~15/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 arm64 arm CPU: Apple M1 Max: speed user nice sys idle irq #1-10 24 MHz 191717 s 0 s 116929 s 4116858 s 0 s Memory: 64.0 GB (43704.296875 MB free) Uptime: 44254.0 sec Load Avg: 1.19140625 1.68310546875 2.81640625 WORD_SIZE: 64 LIBM: libopenlibm LLVM: libLLVM-13.0.1 (ORCJIT, apple-m1) Threads: 1 on 8 virtual cores Environment: JULIA_DEPOT_PATH = /Users/foo/Desktop XPC_FLAGS = 0x0 PATH = /Users/foo/.pyenv/bin:/opt/homebrew/opt/grep/libexec/gnubin:/Users/foo/bin:/Users/foo/.local/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin:/Users/foo/Library/Python/3.9/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/Apple/usr/bin:/Applications/MacPorts/ TERM = xterm-256color HOME = /Users/foo PERLBREW_HOME = /Users/foo/.perlbrew PERLBREW_MANPATH = /Users/foo/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.35.5/man PERLBREW_PATH = /Users/foo/perl5/perlbrew/bin:/Users/foo/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.35.5/bin MANPATH = /opt/local/share/man:/opt/homebrew/share/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/local/share/man:/Library/TeX/Distributions/.DefaultTeX/Contents/Man:/opt/X11/share/man:/Users/foo/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.35.5/man:/Library/Apple/usr/share/man:/Applications/ HOMEBREW_PREFIX = /opt/homebrew HOMEBREW_CELLAR = /opt/homebrew/Cellar HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY = /opt/homebrew INFOPATH = /opt/homebrew/share/info: ```click for testall summary
``` % gmake testall 21:50 Whitespace check found no issues. cp /Users/foo/applications/juliad/usr/lib/julia/sys.dylib /Users/foo/applications/juliad/local.dylib /Users/foo/applications/juliad/usr/bin/julia -J /Users/foo/applications/juliad/local.dylib -e 'true' rm /Users/foo/applications/juliad/local.dylib JULIA test/all Running parallel tests with: nworkers() = 8 nthreads() = 1 Sys.CPU_THREADS = 8 Sys.total_memory() = 64.000 GiB Sys.free_memory() = 37.355 GiB Test Summary: | Pass Fail Broken Total Time Overall | 40547809 4 352662 40900475 15m56.8s LinearAlgebra/bunchkaufman | 5688 5688 33.1s LinearAlgebra/eigen | 512 512 40.3s LinearAlgebra/lapack | 802 802 17.8s LinearAlgebra/qr | 4705 4705 58.5s LinearAlgebra/svd | 566 566 32.8s LinearAlgebra/schur | 496 496 1m23.8s LinearAlgebra/tridiag | 1541 1541 25.8s LinearAlgebra/special | 2942 2942 1m49.8s LinearAlgebra/lu | 1368 1368 55.5s LinearAlgebra/cholesky | 2509 2509 1m02.1s LinearAlgebra/dense | 8475 8475 2m33.0s LinearAlgebra/generic | 622 622 20.7s LinearAlgebra/bidiag | 4736 4736 1m45.7s LinearAlgebra/lq | 2938 2938 23.4s LinearAlgebra/uniformscaling | 446 446 35.5s LinearAlgebra/matmul | 1487 1487 3m05.2s LinearAlgebra/pinv | 500 500 5.7s LinearAlgebra/hessenberg | 631 631 27.5s LinearAlgebra/givens | 1847 1847 3.8s LinearAlgebra/adjtrans | 347 347 13.1s LinearAlgebra/ldlt | 8 8 0.7s LinearAlgebra/blas | 1600 1600 26.3s LinearAlgebra/factorization | 80 16 96 2.1s compiler/validation | 28 28 0.3s ambiguous | 104 4 2 110 3.1s compiler/ssair | 40 40 1.8s compiler/irpasses | 139 4 143 1.5s compiler/inline | 177 1 178 2.0s compiler/contextual | 12 12 1.4s compiler/inference | 1207 2 1209 8.6s compiler/AbstractInterpreter | 12 12 2.8s compiler/codegen | 172 172 8.3s compiler/EscapeAnalysis/interprocedural | 32 4 36 3.5s compiler/EscapeAnalysis/local | 347 21 368 6.9s strings/search | 876 876 3.1s strings/basic | 87689 87689 5.3s LinearAlgebra/diagonal | 2873 2873 2m25.3s LinearAlgebra/structuredbroadcast | 670 670 24.6s unicode/utf8 | 19 19 0.1s strings/io | 12764 12764 1.7s worlds | 88 88 1.2s strings/types | 2302691 2302691 2.0s keywordargs | 151 151 0.9s strings/util | 1147 1147 5.2s atomics | 3448 3448 7.4s subtype | 337678 19 337697 7.4s triplequote | 29 29 0.0s char | 1639 1639 1.4s intrinsics | 301 301 1.4s hashing | 12519 12519 7.5s iobuffer | 209 209 0.7s staged | 65 65 1.2s dict | 144424 144424 12.9s numbers | 1578845 3 1578848 33.0s tuple | 657 657 4.3s offsetarray | 488 3 491 20.0s core | 8445937 3 8445940 45.6s reduce | 8588 8588 10.2s intfuncs | 228060 228060 14.6s simdloop | 240 240 0.9s vecelement | 678 678 3.5s reducedim | 1089 6 1095 34.0s subarray | 318316 318316 1m25.5s LinearAlgebra/symmetric | 2823 2823 2m60.0s copy | 533 533 1.3s arrayops | 2033 2 2035 55.3s rational | 98639 1 98640 11.6s functional | 98 98 2.8s fastmath | 946 946 4.4s LinearAlgebra/triangular | 37908 37908 4m54.6s path | 373 12 385 0.7s ordering | 37 37 1.3s operators | 13046 13046 3.5s parse | 16098 16098 2.5s gmp | 2444 2444 3.4s ccall | 165125 1 165126 12.4s math | 1867032 1867032 20.4s loading | 152939 152939 14.3s backtrace | 39 1 40 1.3s exceptions | 70 70 1.2s file | 1074 1074 5.8s version | 2453 2453 0.5s namedtuple | 216 216 1.6s spawn | 252 4 256 14.3s abstractarray | 55990 24795 80785 1m07.5s mpfr | 1137 1 1138 8.3s floatapprox | 49 49 0.5s read | 3872 3872 19.7s reflection | 425 425 3.4s regex | 130 130 1.3s complex | 8479 2 8481 9.3s sysinfo | 4 4 0.1s env | 95 95 0.3s float16 | 762093 762093 3.6s combinatorics | 170 170 3.6s mod2pi | 80 80 0.2s rounding | 150012 150012 2.8s euler | 12 12 0.7s client | 5 5 0.9s errorshow | 237 237 3.3s iterators | 86611 86611 52.0s goto | 19 19 0.1s llvmcall | 19 19 0.3s llvmcall2 | 20 20 0.1s ryu | 31215 31215 1.0s some | 72 72 0.6s meta | 69 69 1.0s stacktraces | 48 48 1.2s docs | 238 238 2.2s sets | 3625 1 3626 13.6s show | 128886 8 128894 19.7s binaryplatforms | 341 341 2.9s enums | 99 99 1.9s atexit | 40 40 4.8s ranges | 12110690 327682 12438372 27.0s interpreter | 3 3 1.1s checked | 1239 1239 4.6s int | 736188 736188 6.5s bitset | 195 195 1.5s broadcast | 514 514 50.3s error | 33 33 1.1s boundscheck | None 4.7s osutils | 43 43 0.1s sorting | 24052 9 24061 1m13.1s iostream | 50 50 0.7s secretbuffer | 27 27 0.9s specificity | 175 175 0.1s cartesian | 343 3 346 5.2s misc | 1282213 1282213 29.9s corelogging | 235 235 4.0s syntax | 1637 1 1638 6.2s reinterpretarray | 418 418 13.3s smallarrayshrink | 36 36 0.3s opaque_closure | 66 1 67 0.5s filesystem | 6 6 0.2s channels | 256 256 19.4s asyncmap | 307 307 9.3s missing | 574 1 575 13.6s bitarray | 911542 911542 1m58.0s SparseArrays/basetests | 28 28 2.1s LibGit2/online | 10 10 2.7s download | None 31.1s Dates/accessors | 7723858 7723858 3.7s Dates/adjusters | 3149 3149 2.4s Dates/query | 1004 1004 0.5s Dates/periods | 953 953 8.9s Dates/ranges | 350637 350637 9.8s Dates/rounding | 315 315 1.3s Dates/types | 232 232 0.8s Dates/io | 332 332 7.1s Dates/arithmetic | 385 385 3.7s Dates/conversions | 161 161 0.7s SparseArrays/higherorderfns | 7145 1 7146 1m10.4s ArgTools | 180 180 4.8s Base64 | 2031 2031 1.5s Artifacts | 1452 1452 3.3s CompilerSupportLibraries_jll | 4 4 0.0s CRC32c | 664 664 0.4s DelimitedFiles | 89 89 3.6s LibGit2/libgit2 | 754 754 1m03.3s Future | None 0.0s GMP_jll | 1 1 0.4s InteractiveUtils | 281 281 10.4s LLVMLibUnwind_jll | 7 7 0.2s LazyArtifacts | 4 4 1.8s LibCURL | 6 6 1.2s LibCURL_jll | 1 1 0.0s LibGit2_jll | 2 2 0.7s LibSSH2_jll | None 0.0s LibUV_jll | 1 1 0.3s LibUnwind_jll | None 0.3s Libdl | 79 1 80 0.5s Logging | 40 40 0.7s MPFR_jll | 1 1 0.2s Markdown | 257 257 2.5s MbedTLS_jll | 1 1 0.0s cmdlineargs | 279 5 284 2m23.4s MozillaCACerts_jll | 1 1 0.0s NetworkOptions | 3518 3518 0.6s OpenBLAS_jll | 1 1 0.0s OpenLibm_jll | 1 1 0.2s PCRE2_jll | 2 2 0.2s Mmap | 140 140 15.8s SparseArrays/sparsevector | 10348 4 10352 1m56.7s Printf | 1014 1014 7.4s REPL | 1424 3 1427 17.4s Downloads | 238 238 1m07.3s floatfuncs | 232 232 2m49.3s Serialization | 129 1 130 4.1s Sockets | 172 172 4.8s Random | 204835 204835 28.1s SHA | 107 107 41.0s SuiteSparse_jll | 1 1 0.8s FileWatching | 634 634 1m48.3s Statistics | 804 804 34.2s TOML | 415 8 423 5.5s UUIDs | 1029 1029 0.2s Profile | 113 113 1m08.3s Zlib_jll | 1 1 0.3s dSFMT_jll | 1 1 0.3s libLLVM_jll | 1 1 0.2s libblastrampoline_jll | 1 1 0.0s nghttp2_jll | 1 1 0.0s p7zip_jll | 1 1 0.0s Unicode | 795 795 2.6s Test | 454 17 471 16.3s Tar | 3161 11 3172 26.1s SparseArrays/sparse | 4354 4354 3m39.9s LinearAlgebra/addmul | 6948 6948 7m19.8s SuiteSparse | 1293 1293 1m08.2s Pkg | 2449 2 2451 7m27.4s precompile | 155 155 18.0s SharedArrays | 114 114 11.8s threads | 40 40 1m23.4s Distributed | 15 15 1m37.7s stress | 118 118 7.5s FAILURE The global RNG seed was 0xd11e0741a07eee9126497629bd7e37de. Error in testset ambiguous: Test Failed at /Users/foo/applications/juliad/test/ambiguous.jl:177 Expression: sig1 === sig2 Evaluated: Tuple{Type{Main.Test66Main_LinearAlgebra_matmul.TestMatmul.BrokenInt}, Any} === Tuple{Type{T}, AbstractChar} where T<:Union{AbstractChar, Number} Error in testset ambiguous: Test Failed at /Users/foo/applications/juliad/test/ambiguous.jl:177 Expression: sig1 === sig2 Evaluated: Tuple{Type{Main.Test66Main_LinearAlgebra_matmul.TestMatmul.BrokenInt}, Any} === Tuple{Type{T}, Base.TwicePrecision} where T<:Number Error in testset ambiguous: Test Failed at /Users/foo/applications/juliad/test/ambiguous.jl:177 Expression: sig1 === sig2 Evaluated: Tuple{Type{Main.Test66Main_LinearAlgebra_matmul.TestMatmul.BrokenInt}, Any} === Tuple{Type{T}, T} where T<:Number Error in testset ambiguous: Test Failed at /Users/foo/applications/juliad/test/ambiguous.jl:180 Expression: good ERROR: LoadError: Test run finished with errors in expression starting at /Users/foo/applications/juliad/test/runtests.jl:93 gmake[1]: *** [Makefile:25: all] Error 1 gmake: *** [Makefile:554: testall] Error 2 ```