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`julia` CLI option tab completion #56012

Open jariji opened 1 month ago

jariji commented 1 month ago

Shells can tab-complete options for an executable if the executable provides the list of options. It would be nice to tab-complete options for julia.

For example python -<tab> says

$ python -
-b                       -h                       -O                       -v
-B                       --help-all:              -OO                      -V
-bb                      --help-env:              -P                       -W
-c                       --help-xoptions:         -q                       -x
--check-hash-based-pycs  -i                       -s                       -X
-d                       -I                       -S                       
-E                       -m    
fredrikekre commented 1 month ago

For bash: https://discourse.julialang.org/t/bash-completions-for-julia/70795