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Some spelling mistakes found in https://julialang.org/jsoc/projects/ #668

Closed AsForMe closed 4 years ago

AsForMe commented 4 years ago

By accident, I see a spelling mistake in https://julialang.org/jsoc/gsoc/diffeq, then I check the spelling mistakes in https://julialang.org/jsoc/projects/ and all subpages, and find out mistakes as following. Maybe these should be fixed. In https://julialang.org/jsoc/projects/,

  1. The word 'skillsets' should be spelled into 'skill sets'; In https://julialang.org/jsoc/gsoc/flux/, no mistakes. In https://julialang.org/jsoc/gsoc/sciml/, no mistakes. In https://julialang.org/jsoc/gsoc/compiler/, no mistakes. In https://julialang.org/jsoc/gsoc/wasm/,
  2. The word 'implenting' should be spelled into 'implementing';
  3. The word 'reproducability' should be spelled into 'reproducibility';
  4. The word 'Experiemental' should be spelled into 'Experimental';
  5. The word 'enivronments' should be spelled into 'environments';
  6. The word 'asssume' should be spelled into 'assume'; In https://julialang.org/jsoc/gsoc/hpc/, no mistakes; In https://julialang.org/jsoc/gsoc/numerics/,
  7. The word 'algrithms' should be spelled into 'algorithms'; In https://julialang.org/jsoc/gsoc/turing/,
  8. The word 'sattelite' may be spelled wrongly; ( should it be 'satellite' ?)
  9. The word 'probablity' should be spelled into 'probability'; In https://julialang.org/jsoc/gsoc/science/,
  10. The word 'Simualation' should be spelled into 'Simulation'; In https://julialang.org/jsoc/gsoc/tooling/, no mistakes; In https://julialang.org/jsoc/gsoc/images/,
  11. The word 'frequenly' should be spelled into 'frequently'; In https://julialang.org/jsoc/gsoc/general/, no mistakes; In https://julialang.org/jsoc/gsoc/graphs/, no mistakes; In https://julialang.org/jsoc/gsoc/graphics/, no mistakes; In https://julialang.org/jsoc/gsoc/mlj/, no mistakes; In https://julialang.org/jsoc/gsoc/tables/, no mistakes; In https://julialang.org/jsoc/gsoc/diffeq,
  12. The word 'libraires' in "There are two ways to approach libraires" should be spelled into 'libraries';
  13. The word 'enahnced' in "DiffEqOperators.jl could be enahnced to allow non-uniform grids or composition of operators." should be spelled into 'enhanced';
  14. The word 'redundent' in "Parameter identifiability analysis is an analysis that describes whether the parameters of a dynamical system can be identified from data or whether they are redundent." should be spelled into 'redundant'; To avoid these mistakes is easy, just do an spelling examination is ok. I don't know where to state these so state here. And maybe this issue too boring. Just now I put these issues in https://github.com/JuliaDiffEq/DifferentialEquations.jl, now as suggested, I put it here.
ChrisRackauckas commented 4 years ago

Hey, For reference, all of the pages to edit are just these markdown files: https://github.com/JuliaLang/www.julialang.org/tree/master/jsoc/gsoc . So whoever has time can probably quickly go through and fix these. Thanks!