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add download links for latest stable Julia version, latest dev version #878

Open ExpandingMan opened 4 years ago

ExpandingMan commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure if this is really the most appropriate place to open this issue, but this is where the download links are after all, and I figured this would be much less likely to be lost in the noise here than the main julia repo.

Many software projects, perhaps even the majority not only have URL's for downloading specific versions of the software as we do now, but also dedicated URL's for downloading the "latest" version which are the same regardless of what that version happens to be.

This is mainly useful for having any kind of automated script that downloads the Julia binaries which does not need to be constantly updated.

I'm not really sure how we go about adding this: since this website is mostly static, we can't really implement the logic here, only add the link.

zlatanvasovic commented 4 years ago

I'm not really sure how we go about adding this: since this website is mostly static, we can't really implement the logic here, only add the link.

From config.md:

<!-- Templating of the Downloads -->
@def stable_release = "1.4.2"
@def stable_release_short = "1.4"
@def stable_release_date = "May 23, 2020"
@def lts_release = "1.0.5"
@def lts_release_short = "1.0"
@def lts_release_date = "Sep 9, 2019"

If the following lines are commented, the "upcoming release" section
in `downloads/index.md` will not be shown.
@def upcoming_release = "1.5.0-beta1"
@def upcoming_release_short = "1.5"
@def upcoming_release_date = "May 28, 2020"

Is that enough data?

ExpandingMan commented 4 years ago

I'm sure something like that would be fine for users, but is this really something you'd want to maintain?

Now that I'm asking this question, I realize I'm probably being really stupid because someone has to go in and change the other download links anyway, so why not just go in and change this at the same time...

So yeah, I think if we just added URL's that directed to the downloads it would be fine.

zlatanvasovic commented 4 years ago

Well, that's way it currently maintained. The data provided there can be used for what you proposed. I'm not a maintainer, but I don't think updating these informations is a hassle anyway.

sevro commented 4 years ago

I came here to ask this same question as the Julia portion of my system setup script has just broken. A link tracking latest stable and latest LTS would be incredibly useful for anyone automating their system setup or version updates.

Permalink to the Julia install script I call from a master setup script before fixing the regex for reference, it is rather complex for the task: install_julia

astadmistry commented 3 years ago

To get the latest stable version, I use jq:

wget -O - -o /dev/null 'https://julialang-s3.julialang.org/bin/versions.json' | jq 'with_entries(select(.value.stable==true)) | to_entries | max_by(.key).value.files | .[] | select(.triplet == "x86_64-linux-gnu") | .url'

where .triplet can be:


Note: In the future if more triplets are added, use the following to command to see all the available triplets wget -O - -o /dev/null 'https://julialang-s3.julialang.org/bin/versions.json' | jq 'with_entries(select(.value.stable==true)) | to_entries | max_by(.key).value.files | .[] | .triplet'

mathbunnyru commented 1 year ago

We would also like to have a way to easily download the latest version. Otherwise, we always have to merge the PRs like this one whenever there is a new update. https://github.com/jupyter/docker-stacks/pull/1833