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Chinese translation of latest blog #689

Closed innerlee closed 6 years ago

innerlee commented 6 years ago

Per request on discourse.

The sytle is a bit colloquial than the original text. It can be changed to more formal one if we desire. But let me first finish the draft, which may take several days.

ViralBShah commented 6 years ago

Thanks @innerlee. Really appreciate it. I think a colloquial style is fine.

nalimilan commented 6 years ago

@ViralBShah @Ismael-VC Shouldn't blog posts be translated via Transifex just like other pages?

ViralBShah commented 6 years ago

I am not sure if Transifex is really working out. Perhaps for this one we do the one off, and then see if transifex picks up once some of the fixes are in place?

cc @waldyrious too.

waldyrious commented 6 years ago

Ismael is the one who can say for sure whether it's feasible to do this translation via Transifex (I do recall the blog posts being included there, but things might have changed in the meantime). In any case, we can always move the translations around depending on what we decide to use as the final translation platform, so there's no loss in finishing the translation here.

innerlee commented 6 years ago

I did some work on transifex back when it was set up. Due to lack of reviewers, the Chinese version cannot go online. So, the translated blog would be buried.

nalimilan commented 6 years ago

Transifex should definitely work, it's used for some languages already. I think @Ismael-VC should be able to validate your translation of the blog post if you need.

waldyrious commented 6 years ago

Note that the lack of reviewers in Transifex is equivalent to the lack of reviewers in translated text sent via PRs. If we're willing to accept the latter, then I see no reason not to configure Transifex to bypass the reviewing step as well. Or at least set it up so that, once translators are given reviewer status, their translations would be automatically published from then on.

This model (with low barriers to publication and immediate visibility of contributions) has been proven to work with wikis, so there's reasonable precedence to apply it here as well.

What do you guys think?

innerlee commented 6 years ago

This particular translation will be reviewed. I will invite reviewers with much better literary skills than me, in both Chinese and English (also with technical background, of course). This is different from transifex. I cannot ask them to review the 100K words on transifex.

nalimilan commented 6 years ago

This is different from transifex. I cannot ask them to review the 100K words on transifex.

Why? The amount of work to do is exactly the same, but here all developers who don't understand Chinese get notified, while on Transifex only the relevant people are subscribed. Why reinvent the wheel here? If ten people come up with translations of blog posts, are we going to list all of them on the webpage for all languages?

innerlee commented 6 years ago

So sorry for the spammed emails by github.

waldyrious commented 6 years ago

@innerlee just to be clear, I didn't mean to insist on this particular translation being made on Transifex. From my side, your work is just as valuable regardless of the platform. I was mostly responding to @ViralBShah's comment regarding the viability of using Transifex for the translations for this repo, in general. I apologize if that came off as your efforts being unwelcome here -- that was certainly not the intent.

nalimilan commented 6 years ago

Likewise, I'm not saying you shouldn't translate this here, but I think it would be appropriate to move the text to Transifex once it's ready, rather than merging it as a separate page.

innerlee commented 6 years ago

Thanks for clarification 👍 I plan to reopen this when the translation is finished (The diff & review is really good in pr form). Typically I make many small commits, which would produce lots of noise emails (didn't realize this earlier).

innerlee commented 6 years ago

first pass done. will revise & review & polish later.

ViralBShah commented 6 years ago

I say it looks pretty good (given that I can't read a word of Chinese)!

ViralBShah commented 6 years ago

@innerlee Let us know when its good to merge.

@nalimilan I think we should publish this post in Chinese translation separately, because it really has the potential to be widely read as a separate post.

But in general, I do agree we want to use transifex.

innerlee commented 6 years ago

The review & polish thing might take another couple of days, I'm not so sure yet

ViralBShah commented 6 years ago

Interesting to google translate back to English and see what it gives! Pig Latin became Children's black words! I wonder what the chinese equivalent of pig latin is.

innerlee commented 6 years ago

Yeah there's no equivalent "pig Latin" in Chinese because Chinese characters do not have similar word-based transformations. The "Children's black words" is a free translation and conveys the general sense of the original word. Wikipedia also choses this translation 👶 🔉

I was a little worried about this term because a typical person do not recognize what this term mean, and it did not appear in the main text, so added an link to wiki. BTW the term hidden languages right beside pig Latin also appeares only once without definition ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Just left them as is.

innerlee commented 6 years ago

preview link https://innerlee.github.io/julialang/blog/2017/12/ml&pl-cn

iblislin commented 6 years ago

I want to fork this and make it in Chinese Traditional and 🇹🇼 terms. (I'm not quite familiar with China's terms

ViralBShah commented 6 years ago

@innerlee - When complete, you may already know - the last commit will need to rename the file to have the current date.

innerlee commented 6 years ago

Okay, indeed I was wondering about that :P

I will push an update incorporating the current comments soon, and then do another polish round which may take another several days.

innerlee commented 6 years ago

@ViralBShah This is done :)

ViralBShah commented 6 years ago

Thank you!

innerlee commented 6 years ago

Thanks @iblis17 @findmyway @Gnimuc for your comments!

ViralBShah commented 6 years ago

Any thoughts on Chinese languages blogs and publications we could send this to?

innerlee commented 6 years ago

I do not read blogs much, but there are few that I know of. Maybe ask on discourse would get better results?

iblislin commented 6 years ago

FYI https://github.com/oldratlee/translations

ViralBShah commented 6 years ago

Is there a Chinese equivalent of hacker news?

innerlee commented 6 years ago

don't know. There's 知乎 (https://www.zhihu.com/topic/19559450), but more of a Chinse version of quora and with 7% percent of a hackernews... For spreading entertainment news, it is weibo most effective. For technical stuff, mostly the WeChat sharing by Official Accounts. For example, the first two sites in my previous post, have their official accounts at WeChat, and the last two of them are solely in the form of WeChat official accounts. (I do not scan blogs so often, so this is my personal experience.)

ViralBShah commented 6 years ago

Maybe we can post this on discourse and request people to help with submissions.

I also see that csdn.net carried our original why Julia post.

innerlee commented 6 years ago

Yay forgot csdn. it is more of programming community. haven't visited for 3 years...

MikeInnes commented 6 years ago

This is awesome. Thanks @innerlee, and thanks for all the review from everyone else!