JuliaLinearAlgebra / IterativeSolvers.jl

Iterative algorithms for solving linear systems, eigensystems, and singular value problems
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Tolerance seems to be ignored and there's no absolute tolerance? #224

Closed ChrisRackauckas closed 5 years ago

ChrisRackauckas commented 6 years ago
N = 100
A = rand(Float64, N, N)
b = rand(Float64, N)
x = rand(Float64, N)
A*x - b
mean(abs.(A*x - b)) # 0.49568591270147505

A*x - b
mean(abs.(A*x - b)) # 0.495852450033349
haampie commented 6 years ago

Thanks for opening the issue.

There is some issues with the example, but we can discuss how to improve the user experience here.

About the example: The expected value of A is fill(0.5, N, N) -- a rank one matrix with N - 1 eigenvalues at zero and 1 eigenvalue at N/2. The matrix A itself is some perturbation of this matrix. GMRES can't do much with this.

using Plots, LinearAlgebra
λs = eigvals(rand(100, 100))
scatter(real(λs), imag(λs), xlims = (-5, 52), ylims = (-25, 25), label = "eigvals")


At step k the residual vector of GMRES is rₖ = pₖ(A)r₀ where r₀ is the initial residual and pₖ is a kth order polynomial satisfying pₖ(0) = 1. To minimize the residual norm this polynomial should have zeros close to all eigenvalues. To converge quickly it should be a low-order polynomial. Judging from the distribution of the eigenvalues in the plot combined with the condition that pₖ(0) = 1, it is obvious that this is pretty hard. Also because GMRES restarts to ensure fixed memory demands it only builds a polynomial of a fixed order (by default 20 I think); it's just impossible to converge. In fact you really need a polynomial of order 100 to reduce the residual norm, but that defies the purpose of an iterative method completely:

> x, hist = gmres(rand(100,100), rand(100), restart=100, tol=1e-7, log=true)
> hist
Converged after 100 iterations.
> plot(hist, yscale = :log10, mark = :+, legend = :bottom, xlabel = "Iteration number")

conv history

If you try restart = 20 and maxiter = 10000 you'll see that it will just stagnate.

Better example: if you take A = rand(N, N) + N*I, then N-1 eigenvalues are clustered around N and the last eigenvalue is close to 1.5N. Now it's super easy to construct a polynomial that's 1 in the origin and zero near all eigenvalues around N and 1.5N :)

> x, hist = gmres(rand(100,100)+100I, rand(100), tol=1e-7, log=true);
> hist
Converged after 6 iterations.
> plot(hist, yscale = :log10, mark = :+, legend = :bottom, xlabel = "Iteration number")


there's no absolute tolerance

Yes, there's only a relative tolerance, maybe we should have atol and rtol everywhere.

Tolerance seems to be ignored

This is not true, it's just that the specified tolerance can never be attained.

So maybe the best thing for the user experience is to put some @warnings if the method has not converged to the specified tolerance and set log=true by default.

ChrisRackauckas commented 5 years ago

I see, great analysis. I guess this is a good example where simply using a rand input isn't a good check 👍

jiahao commented 5 years ago

Random matrices have special structure - it happens more often than not that they are terrible test candidates.

ChrisRackauckas commented 5 years ago

I'll have to find the time to sit in on a random matrix lecture some day.