JuliaLinearAlgebra / IterativeSolvers.jl

Iterative algorithms for solving linear systems, eigensystems, and singular value problems
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With left-preconditioning, there is no way to record residual on original equation #308

Open learning-chip opened 2 years ago

learning-chip commented 2 years ago

Problem description

With left preconditioner Pl, the recorded residual (by setting log=true) is computed on the preconditioned equation norm(Pl*b - Pl*A*x) = norm(Pl*r), not the original equation norm(b - A*x) = norm(r). The two norms can differ by magnitudes for certain Pl. No such an issue for right preconditioner Pr, because norm(b - A*Pr*z) = norm(b - A*x) = norm(r).

I understand that left-preconditioned Krylov method uses preconditioned residual as termination criteria (abstol and reltol). However, a common need is to quantitatively compare left- and right-preconditioners, but here the two norms are not directly comparable. Also, there is no way to reconstruct norm(r) from norm(Pl*r) (just a scalar, not residual vector).

In SciPy, users can define custom callback to record different types of residuals. I can't find similar features in IterativeSolvers.jl, and wonder about the proper way to record unpreconditioned residual norms.

Minimum example

using SparseArrays
using IterativeSolvers

import Preconditioners: DiagonalPreconditioner
import LinearAlgebra: norm
import Random: seed!

n = 24
A = sprand(n, n, 0.1) * 0.2 + spdiagm(range(1, length=n))
b = rand(n);
P = DiagonalPreconditioner(A)

shared_kwargs = Dict(
    :maxiter => 3,
    :abstol => 1e-9,
    :reltol => 1e-9,
    :log => true,

# solver = bicgstabl  # `bicgstabl` only allows Pl, not Pr
solver = gmres

x_raw, history_raw = solver(A, b; shared_kwargs...)
x_diag_r, history_diag_r = solver(A, b, Pr=P; shared_kwargs...)
x_diag_l, history_diag_l = solver(A, b, Pl=P; shared_kwargs...)

isapprox(norm(b - A * x_raw), history_raw[:resnorm][end])  # true
isapprox(norm(b - A * x_diag_r), history_diag_r[:resnorm][end])  # true
isapprox(norm(b - A * x_diag_l), history_diag_l[:resnorm][end])  # false, not recording un-preconditioned residual
isapprox(norm(P \ b - P \ (A * x_diag_l)), history_diag_l[:resnorm][end])  # true, recording preconditioned residual

SciPy reference

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
import scipy.sparse as sp
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla

n = 24
A = sp.random(n, n, density=0.1) * 0.2 + sp.diags(np.arange(1, n+1))
b = np.random.rand(n)

P = sp.diags(1.0 / A.diagonal())
PA = spla.LinearOperator(A.shape, lambda x: P @ (A @ x))  # or P @ A for explicit matrix form
Pb = P @ b

history = []
def callback(xk):
    r_norm = la.norm(b - A.dot(xk))  # using unpreconditioned matrix

x, _ = spla.gmres(PA, Pb, callback=callback, callback_type='x', maxiter=3)
# x, _ = spla.bicgstab(PA, Pb, callback=callback, maxiter=3)  # also works

la.norm(b - A @ x) == history[-1]  # true, residual is defined on original equation
la.norm(Pb - PA @ x) == history[-1]   # false, residual not defined on preconditioned equation

Package version
