JuliaLinearAlgebra / MatrixDepot.jl

An Extensible Test Matrix Collection for Julia
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Certificates for https://sparse.tamu.edu/ expired? #100

Closed willow-ahrens closed 2 years ago

willow-ahrens commented 2 years ago

Is anyone else getting curl errors like this?

An example from loading MatrixDepot.

┌ Warning: exception during initialization: 'ProcessFailedException(Base.Process[Process(`sh -c 'curl "https://sparse.tamu.edu/files/ss_index.mat" -Lso "/home/runner/.julia/scratchspaces/b51810bb-c9f3-55da-ae3c-350fc1fbce05/data/ss_index.mat"'`, ProcessExited(60))])'

This is due to expired certificates from the suitesparse website. A browser might experience similar issues.

A quick fix is to put -k right after curl in the download_command() function, but I'm not sure if that's safe because it essentially says to ignore the certificates. Any ideas on how we can fix this one?

KlausC commented 2 years ago

I could not reproduce this issue on the command line today (2022-08-16). Has the certificate of the remote site been fixed? @willow-ahrens could you verify on your computer, please?

KlausC commented 2 years ago

Actually the sparse.tamu.edu certificate is now valid since 2022-08-11 up to 2023-08-11.

I don't think it is worth while trying the insecure mode in case the secure mode fails.

willow-ahrens commented 2 years ago

Yep, I think it works now. For anyone who runs into this in the future, my fix was

MatrixDepot.downloadcommand(url::AbstractString, filename::AbstractString="-") =
    `sh -c 'curl -k "'$url'" -Lso "'$filename'"'