JuliaLinearAlgebra / Octavian.jl

Multi-threaded BLAS-like library that provides pure Julia matrix multiplication
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Neural network meta-issue #70

Open DilumAluthge opened 3 years ago

DilumAluthge commented 3 years ago

This is a meta-issue to track the issues that we need to solve in order for Octavian to become a competitive option for training neural networks on the CPU.

DilumAluthge commented 3 years ago

What kinds of layers do we need to start with?

  1. Dense (fully connected) layer
  2. Convolutional layer
  3. Max pooling layer
  4. Average pooling layer

That should be sufficient to e.g. do LeNet-5, right?


chriselrod commented 3 years ago

Yeah, from the model zoo:

# LeNet5 "constructor". 
# The model can be adapted to any image size
# and any number of output classes.
function LeNet5(; imgsize=(28,28,1), nclasses=10) 
    out_conv_size = (imgsize[1]÷4 - 3, imgsize[2]÷4 - 3, 16)

    return Chain(
            Conv((5, 5), imgsize[end]=>6, relu),
            MaxPool((2, 2)),
            Conv((5, 5), 6=>16, relu),
            MaxPool((2, 2)),
            Dense(prod(out_conv_size), 120, relu), 
            Dense(120, 84, relu), 
            Dense(84, nclasses)