JuliaLinearAlgebra / SkewLinearAlgebra.jl

Julia Package for skew-symmetric matrices
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Pfaffian #14

Closed stevengj closed 2 years ago

stevengj commented 2 years ago

People are sometimes interested in computing this, and it's an interesting quantity defined for skew-Hermitian matrices. As for determinants, there are probably a large number of reasonable ways to compute it, but this algorithm is a possible starting point. (You could also use your Hessenberg factorization.)

As for the determinant, the Pfaffian will quickly overflow for large matrices, so you might want to compute its log instead.

stevengj commented 2 years ago

In particular, this formula from that paper makes it trivial to implement both the Pfaffian and the log-Pfaffian from your Hessenberg reduction, so it's worth doing that even if there are slightly more efficient ways to compute it: image (noting that the determinant of your Q matrix in the Hessenberg factorization is just ±1 depending on whether the number reflectors is even/odd)

stevengj commented 2 years ago

This algorithm looks nice for exact Pfaffians of BigInt matrices: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/82502568.pdf

stevengj commented 2 years ago

In particular, here is an implementation of the exact Pfaffian of integer matrices using the algorithm from the paper above:

using SkewLinearAlgebra, LinearAlgebra
using LinearAlgebra: exactdiv

# in-place O(n³) algorithm to compute the exact Pfaffian of
# a skew-symmetric matrix over integers (or potentially any ring supporting exact division).
#     G. Galbiati & F. Maffioli, "On the computation of pfaffians,"
#     Discrete Appl. Math. 51, 269–275 (1994).
#     https://doi.org/10.1016/0166-218X(92)00034-J
function exactpfaffian!(A::AbstractMatrix{<:Integer})
    isskewhermitian(A) || throw(ArgumentError("Pfaffian requires a skew-Hermitian matrix"))
    n = size(A,1)
    isodd(n) && return zero(eltype(A))
    c = one(eltype(A))
    signflip = false
    n = n ÷ 2
    while n > 1
        # find last k with A[2n-1,k] ≠ 0
        k = 2n
        while k > 0 && iszero(A[2n-1,k]); k -= 1; end
        iszero(k) && return zero(eltype(A))

        # swap rows/cols k and 2n
        if k != 2n
            for i = 1:2n
                A[i,k], A[i,2n] = A[i,2n], A[i,k]
                A[k,i], A[2n,i] = A[2n,i], A[k,i]
            signflip = !signflip

        # update, A, c, n
        for j = 1:2n-2, i = 1:j-1
            δ = A[2n-1,2n]*A[i,j] - A[i,2n-1]*A[j,2n] + A[j,2n-1]*A[i,2n]
            A[j,i] = -(A[i,j] = exactdiv(δ, c))
            # @assert A[i,j] * c == δ
        c = A[2n-1,2n]
        n -= 1
    return signflip ? -A[1,2] : A[1,2]
exactpfaffian(A::AbstractMatrix{<:Integer}) =
    exactpfaffian!(copyto!(similar(A, typeof(exactdiv(zero(eltype(A))^2, one(eltype(A))))), A))

You probably only want to use this for AbstractMatrix{<:BigInt} by default, since other types are likely to overflow etcetera, similar to how the LinearAlgebra package only uses the Bareiss algorithm by default for determinants of BigInt matrices (see https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/40868).

stevengj commented 2 years ago

And here's another paper on numerical algorithms: https://arxiv.org/abs/1012.5022

One of the algorithms they discuss is "tridiagonalization based on Householder transformations", i.e. by Hessenberg factorization as I suggested above. Probably I would just go with that approach since it is easiest.

Note also that they suggest that the Pfaffian of complex skew-Hermitian matrices is useful for some electronic-structure calculations, which adds some additional motivation to #15.

smataigne commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much for the documentation and the code above. I will add the functionality to the package.

stevengj commented 2 years ago

Closed by #47