JuliaLinearAlgebra / libblastrampoline

Using PLT trampolines to provide a BLAS and LAPACK demuxing library.
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Add tests with reference BLAS and LAPACK #128

Open amontoison opened 4 months ago

amontoison commented 4 months ago

I have the following tests that are not working:

@testset "Vanilla ReferenceBLAS_jll (ILP64)" begin
    run_all_tests("blas", reverse(ReferenceBLAS_jll.LIBPATH_list), :ILP64, "", tests = [dgemm, sdot])

@testset "LBT -> ReferenceBLAS_jll / LAPACK_jll (ILP64)" begin
    libdirs = unique(vcat(lbt_dir, ReferenceBLAS_jll.LIBPATH_list..., LAPACK_jll.LIBPATH_list..., CompilerSupportLibraries_jll.LIBPATH_list...))
    run_all_tests(blastrampoline_link_name(), libdirs, :ILP64, string(ReferenceBLAS_jll.libblas_path, ";", LAPACK_jll.liblapack_path); tests = [dgemm, dpstrf, sgesv, sdot])

I commented them.

I suspect that it's because they are already installed. We should maybe modify the name and soname of the ILP64 libraries of ReferenceBLAS_jll.jl and LAPACK_jll.jl : libblas.so and liblapack.so -> libblas64.so and liblapack64.so.

ViralBShah commented 2 months ago

We should try to get this one merged.

staticfloat commented 2 months ago

The failure on armv7l is silly; it's because we use Julia v1.7 (the last released version on armv7l) but LAPACK32_jll says it needs Julia v1.9+, presumably because it relies on some newer libblastrampoline versions.

The failures on windows look real however.