JuliaLogging / ProgressLogging.jl

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support loops wrapped by `Threads.@threads` #38

Open mileslucas opened 3 years ago

mileslucas commented 3 years ago

It would be nice if the @progress macro were thread-safe and supported the Threads.@threads macro call.

This would require a bit of a rewrite, since the current _progress function does not update the fraction in a thread-safe manner, so a small rewrite would have to take place to change the fraction variables to use atomics. In my own code, the following has worked in a thread-safe manner-

@withprogress begin
    it = Threads.Atomic{Int}(0)
    N = length(iter)
    Threads.@threads for i in N
        # body
        Threads.atomic_add!(it, 1)
        @logprogress it[] / N

Parsing the input should be as simple as

if ex.head == :macrocall && ex.args[1] == :(Threads.var"@threads")
    _forloop = ex.args[2:end]
    # ...

I'm not really sure what is required beyond that to make it work, or I would have given it a shot myself.

adannenberg commented 1 year ago

Is there any plan to implement this? If not, can someone post a more detailed working example of @mileslucas 's solution? I've tried to incorporate it in my code and it's not working - which is not surprising since I don't understand it :< Fwiw, I'm trying to use ProgressLogging in Pluto where I've parallelized a compute-intensive for loop with Threads.@threads. Works great with the single-threaded for loop...