JuliaLogging / TensorBoardLogger.jl

Easy peasy logging to TensorBoard with Julia
MIT License
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Scalars are not logged #133

Open rkube opened 11 months ago

rkube commented 11 months ago

Hi, while the example under Basic Usage works fine, this code produces empty event files:

using TensorBoardLogger, Logging, Random

lg=TBLogger("tensorboard_logs/run", min_level=Logging.Info)

with_logger(lg) do
    for i=1:100
        @info "scalar" i=i j=i^2 

File content:

$ tensorboard --inspect --logdir tensorboard_logs/run
TensorFlow installation not found - running with reduced feature set.
Processing event files... (this can take a few minutes)

Found event files in:

These tags are in tensorboard_logs/run:
audio -
histograms -
images -
scalars -
tensor -

Event statistics for tensorboard_logs/run:
audio -
graph -
histograms -
images -
scalars -
sessionlog:checkpoint -
sessionlog:start -
sessionlog:stop -
tensor -
nomadbl commented 10 months ago

I believe this is a duplicate of #126 where a workaround is given. I don't know how to solve it, any help there would be welcome!