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Reinforcement Learning #10

Closed tbreloff closed 7 years ago

tbreloff commented 7 years ago

I'm starting to work on a framework for reinforcement learning in https://github.com/tbreloff/Reinforce.jl, and I was thinking it would be nice to include the core abstractions in LearnBase so that I could have standalone environments or agents without requiring a dependency on Reinforce.jl.

I propose adding this to LearnBase:

abstract AbstractEnvironment
abstract AbstractAgent

# `r, s, A = observe!(env)` should return `(reward, state, actions)`
# Note: most environments will not implement this directly
function observe!(env::AbstractEnvironment)
    reward!(env), state!(env), actions(env)

# `r = reward!(env)` returns the current reward, optionally updating it first
function reward end
function reward! end

# `s = state!(env)` returns the current state, optionally updating it first
function state end
function state! end

# `A = actions(env)` returns a list/set/description of valid actions
function actions end

# `a = action(agent, r, s, A)` should take in the last reward `r`, current state `s`, 
#      and set of valid actions `A`, then return an action `a`
function action end

Any thoughts/objections?

ahwillia commented 7 years ago

Looks good to me. I've been wanting to reproduce the basic examples from Sutton and Barto book as a learning exercise - it would be great if I could use what you're working on!

Edit: After giving a little more thought... I like this API, but can't think of a reason why they would have to live in LearnBase rather than have Reinforce as a standalone package. I guess it doesn't hurt to have it in LearnBase though.

tbreloff commented 7 years ago

I'm going to hold off on this, and keep everything in Reinforce for now. The interface isn't stable enough and anyone using it would want other things in Reinforce anyways.