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Discussions related to the future of Machine Learning in Julia
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Sum-Product Networks and Bayesian nonparametrics #17

Open trappmartin opened 6 years ago

trappmartin commented 6 years ago

Hi there,

I'm actively developing and maintaining a package on Bayesian nonparametrics in julia: BayesianNonparametrics.jl which was presented at a workshop at NIPS in 2015 and actively develop a package on the deep probabilistic model sum-product networks: SumProductNetworks.jl which I constantly extend and work on with several other colleges.

Is there an interest to include these packages / or one of them into the JuliaML base? Both packages implement recent ML techniques and will continued to be maintained.

Cheers, Martin

Evizero commented 6 years ago


This does look like interesting work. What is the motivation behind moving the package from another github organization here may I ask?

A little context: The main issue we have at JuliaML is a having clear connection between packages. There are a couple somewhat overlapping subsets of packages that work well together and follow a common design/theme (defined in LearnBase). For the most part, however, it is still a work in process to make things less confusing for an enduser.

trappmartin commented 6 years ago


The sum-product networks is currently not in any github organization. Regarding the Bayesian nonparametrics package, I'm planing to rewrite parts as and integrate new models and moving it to JuliaML would potentially increase the visibility of the package on the long run.

I'll have a look at the LearnBase package to see whether it is possible to define the interface of the packages consistently.