JuliaML / MLUtils.jl

Utilities and abstractions for Machine Learning tasks
MIT License
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Method ambiguities reported by Aqua #171

Closed prbzrg closed 8 months ago

prbzrg commented 8 months ago

In Julia v1.10, I used Aqua to detect method ambiguities in my package https://github.com/impICNF/ContinuousNormalizingFlows.jl/issues/356 and some of its report were related to this package:

Ambiguity #94
put!(f!, ringbuffer::MLUtils.RingBuffer) @ MLUtils ~/.julia/packages/MLUtils/n3C0h/src/parallel.jl:219
put!(c::Channel{T}, v) where T @ Base channels.jl:339

Possible fix, define
  put!(::Channel{T}, ::MLUtils.RingBuffer) where T

Ambiguity #100
rpad(v::AbstractVector, n::Integer, p) @ MLUtils deprecated.jl:103
rpad(s, n::Integer, p::Union{AbstractChar, AbstractString}) @ Base strings/util.jl:485

Possible fix, define
  rpad(::AbstractVector, ::Integer, ::Union{AbstractChar, AbstractString})

I would appreciate your attention to this issue.