JuliaML / Reinforce.jl

Abstractions, algorithms, and utilities for reinforcement learning in Julia
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Doesn't seem to work in Julia v1.0 #24

Closed xiaodaigh closed 5 years ago

xiaodaigh commented 5 years ago

I tried to Pkg.add but I get errors on Juliabox.com

  Updating registry at `/home/jrun/.julia/registries/JuliaPro`
  Updating git-repo `https://pkg.juliacomputing.com/registry/JuliaPro`
[1mFetching: [========================================>]  100.0 %.0 %
The following package names could not be resolved:
 * Reinforce (not found in project, manifest or registry)
Please specify by known `name=uuid`.

 [1] pkgerror(::String) at /opt/julia-1.0.0/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/Types.jl:121
 [2] #ensure_resolved#43(::Bool, ::Function, ::Pkg.Types.EnvCache, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /opt/julia-1.0.0/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/Types.jl:895
 [3] #ensure_resolved at ./none:0 [inlined]
 [4] #add_or_develop#13(::Symbol, ::Bool, ::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Union{},Union{},Tuple{},NamedTuple{(),Tuple{}}}, ::Function, ::Pkg.Types.Context, ::Array{Pkg.Types.PackageSpec,1}) at /opt/julia-1.0.0/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/API.jl:58
 [5] #add_or_develop at ./none:0 [inlined]
 [6] #add_or_develop#12 at /opt/julia-1.0.0/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/API.jl:29 [inlined]
 [7] #add_or_develop at ./none:0 [inlined]
 [8] #add_or_develop#11(::Base.Iterators.Pairs{Symbol,Symbol,Tuple{Symbol},NamedTuple{(:mode,),Tuple{Symbol}}}, ::Function, ::Array{String,1}) at /opt/julia-1.0.0/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/API.jl:28
 [9] #add_or_develop at ./none:0 [inlined]
 [10] #add_or_develop#10 at /opt/julia-1.0.0/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/API.jl:27 [inlined]
 [11] #add_or_develop at ./none:0 [inlined]
 [12] #add#18 at /opt/julia-1.0.0/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/API.jl:68 [inlined]
 [13] add(::String) at /opt/julia-1.0.0/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/API.jl:68
 [14] top-level scope at In[1]:2
JobJob commented 5 years ago

I'm guessing the JuliaPro registry doesn't have this package. You can try: pkg> add https://github.com/JuliaML/Reinforce.jl.git

iblislin commented 5 years ago
  1. Open a terminal in your JuliaBox

  2. cd ~/.julia/registries

  3. git clone https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git

  4. Back to your julia notebook than Pkg.add again.

xiaodaigh commented 5 years ago

Slight change to step 3 and it now works. Thanks @iblis17

  1. Open a terminal in your JuliaBox
  2. cd /home/jrun/.julia/registries
  3. git clone https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git
  4. Back to your julia notebook than Pkg.add again.
fsr313 commented 5 years ago

I have a similar problem after using this

  1. Open a terminal in your JuliaBox
  2. cd ~/.julia/registries
  3. git clone https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git
  4. Back to your julia notebook than Pkg.add again.

and i'm getting ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package Iterators [a4bce56a]: Iterators [a4bce56a] log: ├─possible versions are: [0.1.0-0.1.10, 0.2.0, 0.3.0-0.3.1] or uninstalled ├─restricted to versions * by an explicit requirement, leaving only versions [0.1.0-0.1.10, 0.2.0, 0.3.0-0.3.1] └─restricted by julia compatibility requirements to versions: uninstalled — no versions left Stacktrace: [1] top-level scope at none:0

xiaodaigh commented 5 years ago

@fsr313 try `using Pkg; Pkg.rm("Iterators") then try again?

It's pretty useless anyway because Juliabox resets the registeries once you restart. The only hope is to wait until they update the JuliaPro registries properly