JuliaMath / Interpolations.jl

Fast, continuous interpolation of discrete datasets in Julia
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Reuse weights with extrapolation #484

Open fredrikpaues opened 2 years ago

fredrikpaues commented 2 years ago

I'm finding the documentation on how to reuse weights quite difficult to comprehend. But I would like to compute weights for an extrapolant/interpolant. My best attempt at replicating the code in the documentation but with my own interpolation object (below) results in a MethodError.

julia> using Interpolations
julia> x = collect(range(0.1, 0.9, 100));
julia> v = 2x;
julia> itp = LinearInterpolation(x, v; extrapolation_bc=((Flat(), Line()),));
julia> itp(0.5)  # Works just fine :)
julia> wis = Interpolations.weightedindexes((Interpolations.value_weights,), Interpolations.itpinfo(itp)..., 0.5);
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching weightedindexes(::Tuple{typeof(Interpolations.value_weights)}, ::Tuple{Gridded{Linear{Throw{OnGrid}}}}, ::Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}, ::Float64)
Closest candidates are:
  weightedindexes(::F, ::Tuple{Vararg{Interpolations.Flag, N}}, ::Tuple{Vararg{AbstractVector, N}}, ::Tuple{Vararg{Number, N}}) where {F, N} at C:\...\.julia\packages\Interpolations\Glp9h\src\b-splines\indexing.jl:64
fredrikpaues commented 2 years ago

One step closer, the last line could be replaced with

julia> wis = Interpolations.weightedindexes((Interpolations.value_weights,), Interpolations.itpinfo(itp)..., (0.5,));


julia> v[wis...]

which confuses me.

mkitti commented 2 years ago


julia> wis = Interpolations.weightedindexes((Interpolations.value_weights,), Interpolations.itpinfo(itp.itp)..., (0.5,));

julia> itp.itp.coefs[wis...]
fredrikpaues commented 2 years ago

Thanks! But it seems that the extrapolation scheme is not respected.

julia> using Interpolations

julia> x = collect(range(0.1, 0.9, 9)); v = 2x;

julia> itp = LinearInterpolation(x, v; extrapolation_bc=((Flat(), Line()),));

julia> itp(1.0)  # Linear extrapolation

julia> wis = Interpolations.weightedindexes((Interpolations.value_weights,), Interpolations.itpinfo(itp.itp)..., (1.0,))
(Interpolations.WeightedAdjIndex{2, Float64}(8, (-1.0, 2.0)),)

julia> v[wis...]  # Linear extrapolation is respected

julia> itp.itp.coefs[wis2...]  # Linear extrapolation is respected

julia> itp(0.0)  # The flat extrapolation kicks in

julia> wis = Interpolations.weightedindexes((Interpolations.value_weights,), Interpolations.itpinfo(itp.itp)..., (0.0,))
(Interpolations.WeightedAdjIndex{2, Float64}(1, (2.0, -1.0)),)

julia> v[wis...]  # The flat extrapolation is ignored

julia> itp.itp.coefs[wis...]  # The flat extrapolation is ignored
mkitti commented 2 years ago

itp is the extrapolation object. itp.itp is the underlying interpolation instance. If you want the branching behavior between the two, I suggest using the higher level interface.

fredrikpaues commented 2 years ago

I don't quite understand what you mean by "the higher level interface". Do you mean using itp rather than itp.itp in the call to Interpolations.itpinfo?

But that doesn't do the desired interpolations either:

julia> wis = Interpolations.weightedindexes((Interpolations.value_weights,), Interpolations.itpinfo(itp)..., (1.0,))
(Interpolations.WeightedAdjIndex{2, Float64}(1, (1.0, 0.0)),)

julia> itp(1.0)

julia> v[wis...]

julia> itp.itp.coefs[wis...]

Or do you mean that I shouldn't be using Interpolations.weightedindexes at all? And instead just use the interpolant itp?

My best guess for what v[wis...] and itp.itp.coefs[wis...] output is by how much the endpoints needs to be adjusted.

mkitti commented 2 years ago

wis knows nothing about extrapolation. It is purely used for interpolation.

fredrikpaues commented 2 years ago

I see. Then I guess it is not the tool that I need. Thank you for your time! Perhaps you could that this as a feature suggestion 🙂

eirikbrandsaas commented 2 years ago

Cross-referencing https://github.com/JuliaMath/Interpolations.jl/issues/363.

eirikbrandsaas commented 2 years ago

Given that Fredrik also found the documentation on how to reuse weights difficult to comprehend and I want to understand this, I'd be happy to write something for the documentation. However, to do so there are two things I don't understand:

1) I'm not able to reuse weights for scaled interpolation, only gridded 2) Using the weights is actually slower than doing the "whole" interpolation:

using Interpolations
using BenchmarkTools

## Setup grids
xs = 0.2:0.1:0.8
A = 2xs

## Scaled 1D interpolation (re-using weights gives wrong results?)
itp_1d = LinearInterpolation((xs, ), A) 
@btime itp_1d(0.5)
wis = Interpolations.weightedindexes((Interpolations.value_weights,), Interpolations.itpinfo(itp_1d.itp)...,(0.5,))
A[wis...] # Wrong answer
itp_1d.itp.itp.coefs[wis...] # Different wrong answer (and requires another .itp)

## Gridded 1D interpolation (re-use weights works)
itp_1d = LinearInterpolation(collect(xs), A) 
@btime itp_1d(0.5)
wis = Interpolations.weightedindexes((Interpolations.value_weights,), Interpolations.itpinfo(itp_1d.itp)...,(0.75,))
@btime A[wis...] # Right answer, but slow
@btime A[wis[1]] # Right answer, but slow
@btime itp_1d.itp.coefs[wis...] # Right answer, but slow
eirikbrandsaas commented 3 months ago

There have been some changes to the package, so that A[wis...] no longer works, but one have to use Interpolations.InterpGetindex(A)[wis...] instead.

@mkitti : After rereading this issue, and other issues, (e.g., https://github.com/JuliaMath/Interpolations.jl/issues/479), is this correct: weightedindexes should only be used for gridded interpolation? For example, it should not be used for scaled interpolation nor extrapolation?

mkitti commented 3 months ago

I need to reorient myself here again. I'll try to respond later this week.