JuliaMath / Interpolations.jl

Fast, continuous interpolation of discrete datasets in Julia
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New convenience constructors #525

Open wg030 opened 1 year ago

wg030 commented 1 year ago

Hi! I would like to add some new convenience copnstructors and would create a new PR if that was supposed to be a good idea and something that should be part of this package.

What I mean here is the following: The command linear_interpolation(x, y) is for example a shortcut for extrapolate(interpolate((x, ), y, Gridded(Linear())), Throw()). In the same way I would, for example for the recently created AkimaMotonicInterpolation type, make it possible to call akima_spline(x, y) as a shortcut for extrapolate(interpolate(x, y, AkimaMontonicInterpolation()), Throw()).

What are your thoughts on this idea?

mkitti commented 1 year ago

One issue is that this definitely could explode. We could create a lot more convenience constructors here.

What I'm wondering about is if we should just have simplified front end overall.

interpolation(x, y, type= :linear)
interpolation(x, y, type= :akima_monotonic)
interpolation(x, y, type= :akima_monotonic, extrapolation = :throw)

While this is not going to be very type stable, maybe something like this would be preferable to creating a bunch of different methods.

What do you think?

wg030 commented 1 year ago

One issue is that this definitely could explode. We could create a lot more convenience constructors here.

I see your point here. But then again I wonder if this would do the package any kind of harm in terms of performance or if this would just mean a bunch of rather boring work.

What I'm wondering about is if we should just have simplified front end overall.

interpolation(x, y, type= :linear)
interpolation(x, y, type= :akima_monotonic)
interpolation(x, y, type= :akima_monotonic, extrapolation = :throw)

While this is not going to be very type stable, maybe something like this would be preferable to creating a bunch of different methods.

That looks like a really nice approach, too. Obviously, that would also make it more convenient for programmers and we would get rid of that rather ugly current notation. I guess that in the end it might just be a matter of subjecitve taste. I would personally tend to vote for creating new methods, but that's probably just because I already got quite used to linear_interpolation and cubic_spline_interpolation 😂 Moreover I could not really help implementing your alternative by crating a PR unless someone showed me at least one example because I would not have any clue how to do it "correctly".

mkitti commented 1 year ago

Part of the issue is that using linear_interpolation and cubic_spline_interpolation is often very bad for performance because they include extrapolation. https://github.com/JuliaMath/Interpolations.jl/issues/462

The current interfaces emphasize type stability. Based on the input types and the method, we should be able to predict the output type.

What I proposed above is not necessarily type stable in isolation. However, constant propagation may be good enough at this point to curtail those issues. Consider the following example:

julia> struct A

julia> a = A(1,2.)
A(1, 2.0)

julia> @code_warntype getproperty(a, :x)
MethodInstance for getproperty(::A, ::Symbol)
  from getproperty(x, f::Symbol) in Base at Base.jl:42
Body::Union{Float64, Int64}
1 ─      nothing
│   %2 = Base.getfield(x, f)::Union{Float64, Int64}
└──      return %2

julia> f(s) = getproperty(s, :x)
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @code_warntype f(a)
MethodInstance for f(::A)
  from f(s) in Main at REPL[6]:1
1 ─ %1 = Main.getproperty(s, :x)::Int64
└──      return %1

In the first case, we see there is ambiguity, Union{Float64, Int64}, on what will be returned since the evaluation is for getproperty(::A, ::Symbol). In the second case, we see that constant propagation is correctly able to to determine that the return type should be Int64.

wg030 commented 1 year ago

These technical details are very interesting. If performance and type stabilty matter that much than I guess I must admit that this issue of unconvenient notation is much harder to solve than I expected. I might have a deeper look into that if when I have more time. For now I guess I will discard the original plan of introducting akima_spline(x, y) and so on since that does not look like the best solution here.