JuliaMath / Interpolations.jl

Fast, continuous interpolation of discrete datasets in Julia
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Are `linear_interpolation` and `cubic_spline_interpolation` really correct function names? #540

Open zxm403089989 opened 1 year ago

zxm403089989 commented 1 year ago

I followed exactly the same example in document http://juliamath.github.io/Interpolations.jl/stable/convenience-construction/#Usage. However, Julia said that linear_interpolation and cubic_spline_interpolation are not defined:

using Interpolations

help?> linear_interpolation

Couldn't find linear_interpolation
Perhaps you meant LinearInterpolation or ConstantInterpolation
  No documentation found.

  Binding linear_interpolation does not exist.

help?> cubic_spline_interpolation

Couldn't find cubic_spline_interpolation
Perhaps you meant CubicSplineInterpolation
  No documentation found.

  Binding cubic_spline_interpolation does not exist.

I am wandering that are those information in document true? We can see that function LinearInterpolation and CubicSplineInterpolation are well defined. I suppose these are just typos or there are something need to be updated?

mkitti commented 1 year ago

What version of Interpolations.jl are you using?

julia> using Interpolations

help?> linear_interpolation
search: linear_interpolation

  etp = linear_interpolation(knots, A; extrapolation_bc=Throw())

  A shorthand for one of the

    •  extrapolate(scale(interpolate(A,

    •  extrapolate(interpolate(knots,

  depending on whether knots are
  ranges or vectors.

  Consider using interpolate,
  scale, or extrapolate
  explicitly as needed rather
  than using this convenience
  constructor. Performance will
  improve without scaling or

julia> using Pkg

julia> pkg"status Interpolations"
Status `/tmp/jl_1imjMf/Project.toml`
  [a98d9a8b] Interpolations v0.14.7
zxm403089989 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your response. I understand what happened now. I am using version v0.13.6 and Pkg prevent me updating due to package consistency and I thought I already using all latest version packages.