JuliaMath / QuadGK.jl

adaptive 1d numerical Gauss–Kronrod integration in Julia
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spurious underflow in kronrod for large n #93

Closed stevengj closed 1 month ago

stevengj commented 10 months ago

As mentioned on discourse, the kronrod routine yields NaN for larger n, e.g.


It looks like this is due to spurious underflow in the _kronrodjacobi function. It forms arrays s and t by calculations that involve repeatedly multiplying by the b matrix, corresponding to the squared off-diagonal elements of the Jacobi matrix. For the canonical interval (-1,1) with a constant weight function, the entries of the b matrix asymptote to 0.25, so this effectively divides by 4 over and over and eventually underflows.

The underflow is spurious because the final Kronrod–Jacobi matrix only depends on ratios of s and t entries, so we are free to rescale them by any overall constant factor that we want. This fact is actually mentioned in a somewhat obscure way by Laurie's paper:

Actually, as recommended by Reichel [23], the coefficients were scaled to the interval (−2, 2) before performing the computation, and the resulting points and weights (obtained by Gautschi’s routine gauss from [10]) were scaled back to (−1, 1). On a machine with a small exponent range, this subterfuge is necessary to avoid underflow of the modified moments.

Rescaling the interval to (-2,2) works because it multiplies the integrals by 2, and hence the squared Jacobi matrix entries get multiplied by 4, causing b to asymptote to 1 and removing the exponential shrinkage.

We could do the same trick, but it's not clear how to generalize this to arbitrary Jacobi matrices. Instead, it should suffice to normalize the s and t matrices (e.g. scaling by their infinity norm) after each iteration. This should only slow things down by a small constant factor (1–2% in my current experiments).

stevengj commented 10 months ago

Even with the rescaling, however, Laurie's algorithm seems to suffer from some severe accuracy issues in Float64 precision for n ≳ 520 or so. (Because of that, this underflow might be a blessing in disguise.)

Update: this seems to be fixed by #111 (i.e. it's my fault, not Laurie's).