JuliaMultimedia / SimpleDirectMediaLayer.jl

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Warning messages about ALSA lib after fresh install on v0.2.1 #52

Open berndblasius opened 4 years ago

berndblasius commented 4 years ago

Made a fresh reinstall of Julia 1.5.1 on a Debian machine and after installing SimpleDirectMediaLayer.jl and using SimpleDirectMediaLayer SimpleDirectMediaLayer.init() I receive the following warning (or error) messages on the terminal, which repeatedly appear every several seconds

ALSA lib conf.c:4048:(snd_config_update_r) Cannot access file /workspace/destdir/share/alsa/alsa.conf ALSA lib pcm.c:2642:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default

Creating windows and rendering works still fine (I never use sound), but the warning messages overfill the terminal and are very annoying.

Maybe this it is related to #51. When I pin the version to something before v0.2.* in the package manager
pkg> pin SimpleDirectMediaLayer@0.1.1 the warnings disappear.

ma-laforge commented 3 years ago

I get the same problem.

My guess is that one of the _jll packages (related to audio) uses a hard-coded path to alsa.conf that is not standard.

I am also guessing that this "workspace" directory might have something to do with the machines used to build these packages.

Gnimuc commented 3 years ago

I guess this should also be reported to https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/Yggdrasil as this issue can only get fixed there.

ma-laforge commented 3 years ago

I see. The "SDML" contributors here are not the maintainers of the _jll files.

Thanks for the heads-up @Gnimuc. Apparently, an issue has already been created: --> https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/Yggdrasil/issues/1432

Gnimuc commented 3 years ago

Anyone have time to try this solution?

ma-laforge commented 3 years ago


I've sort of had to look at other packages instead of SDML to get my work done. So: sorry. not yet.

Quick analysis

At first glance, it is sort of surprising that setting ENV["ALSA_PLUGINS_DIR"] in julia would affect the library.

I would have thought the ENV variable would have to be exported BEFORE launching julia.

I also don't quite get the joinpath(alsa_plugins_jll.artifact_dir, "lib") part because you could only get a reference to alsa_plugins_jll if you've called import alsa_plugins_jll. And by that point, ENV settings typically have no effect.

My view

... So I'm sort of guessing that post was mostly provided some vague direction on how to move forward. Sorry. I haven't yet had time to allocate neurons on this one.

Gnimuc commented 3 years ago

There is a withenv function:

help?> withenv
search: withenv

  withenv(f::Function, kv::Pair...)

  Execute f in an environment that is temporarily modified (not replaced as in setenv) by zero or more "var"=>val arguments kv. withenv is
  generally used via the withenv(kv...) do ... end syntax. A value of nothing can be used to temporarily unset an environment variable (if it
  is set). When withenv returns, the original environment has been restored.
aviks commented 1 year ago

This is how I got sound working on Linux. But I'm not sure how to convert that into a permanent solution: https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/Yggdrasil/issues/1432#issuecomment-851065063

Gnimuc commented 1 year ago

With #65, I still get these warnings on CI. But that's probably because the config path on CI is not "/usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf".

ALSA lib conf.c:4499:(snd_config_update_r) Cannot access file /workspace/destdir/share/alsa/alsa.conf
ALSA lib conf.c:4499:(snd_config_update_r) Cannot access file /workspace/destdir/share/alsa/alsa.conf
ALSA lib conf.c:4499:(snd_config_update_r) Cannot access file /workspace/destdir/share/alsa/alsa.conf
ALSA lib conf.c:4499:(snd_config_update_r) Cannot access file /workspace/destdir/share/alsa/alsa.conf
Test Summary: | Pass  Total  Time
Init+Quit     |    4      4  0.3s
ALSA lib conf.c:4499:(snd_config_update_r) Cannot access file /workspace/destdir/share/alsa/alsa.conf
ALSA lib conf.c:4499:(snd_config_update_r) Cannot access file /workspace/destdir/share/alsa/alsa.conf
Test Summary: | Pass  Total  Time
Text          |    7      7  0.1s
ALSA lib conf.c:4499:(snd_config_update_r) Cannot access file /workspace/destdir/share/alsa/alsa.conf
ALSA lib conf.c:4499:(snd_config_update_r) Cannot access file /workspace/destdir/share/alsa/alsa.conf
Test Summary: | Pass  Total  Time
Rendering     |    9      9  0.1s
ALSA lib conf.c:4499:(snd_config_update_r) Cannot access file /workspace/destdir/share/alsa/alsa.conf
ALSA lib conf.c:4499:(snd_config_update_r) Cannot access file /workspace/destdir/share/alsa/alsa.conf
ALSA lib pcm.c:2660:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default
ALSA lib conf.c:4499:(snd_config_update_r) Cannot access file /workspace/destdir/share/alsa/alsa.conf
     Testing SimpleDirectMediaLayer tests passed