JuliaMusic / JuliaMusic_documentation.jl

Documentation repository for JuliaMusic, built with Julia, Documenter.jl.
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General Site for JuliaMusic Org using Franklin.jl #9

Open ashwani-rathee opened 4 years ago

ashwani-rathee commented 4 years ago

@team @Datseris I believe there is a need to develop a community around JuliaMusic Quoting Viral shah

Many packages only have documentation, but the orgs do not yet have websites - since nobody has 
done it yet. Examples where there are websites are fluxml.ai and jump.dev. Those should serve as 
good starting points - gather the materials, packages, documentation, examples, videos and
present them on the website.

We also only have documentation,we need to start collecting literature and people work's using JuliaMusic Packages.. I therefore propose we start working on it and develop the general site.I believe most of the people currently working on JuliaMusic maintain a blog and I also do it..So putting together a static site won't be that tough and it can be put together within a few days... I have quite a lot of time at my hand right now,so I can work on it... Also @Datseris ,I have seen in bokeh that ("@bokeh/dev") is used to call for the whole development team,can It be made available here too??Probably also start a slack if there is not one already...

Datseris commented 4 years ago

There is a slack #music-dev, but at there isn't any team. The only person working on JuliaMusic in a the more general sense is myself, while (to the best of my knowledge) @aminya only works on MusicXML.jl . Every other member of the org is inactive.

So I find this issue very low priority, you can of course feel free to start working on a site :P

We also only have documentation,we need to start collecting literature and people work's using JuliaMusic Packages..

I do scientific research using JuliaMusic but I don't think anyone else does. MIDI.jl has an associated paper but it doesn't have any citations outside mine.

ashwani-rathee commented 4 years ago

oK!!There seems a lot of work that could be worked upon then :) I will do the site work and the librosa work.I believe there has been a lot of work done by you guys and lot more needs to be done..community developement is still in pretty early stages for julia..MIR community is already pretty small,getting them to show interest here is more interesting task... @Datseris and team guidance every now and then is all I need,lol :)

aminya commented 4 years ago

Regarding the team stuff, 😄 I have been busy developing and fixing MusicXML.jl itself.

There is still some stuff to fix before I can help with other packages.

For example, https://github.com/JuliaMusic/MusicXML.jl/issues/30 or https://github.com/JuliaMusic/MusicXML.jl/issues/46 and finally https://github.com/JuliaMusic/MusicXML.jl/issues/3

aminya commented 4 years ago

I like to see a unified website. Especially, if it addresses the issue in https://github.com/JuliaMusic/JuliaMusic_documentation.jl/issues/5. I prefer to write the documentation of each package in its repository. If there is a way to bring all those into a single website, it would be good.

Similar to https://juliarobotics.org/

@Datseris I think this issue should move to https://github.com/JuliaMusic/JuliaMusic_documentation.jl

ashwani-rathee commented 4 years ago

@team pretty optimistic that there will be a need of a team to maintain this place in 5 years time :)

Datseris commented 4 years ago

Notice that we can re-use this website: https://juliadynamics.github.io/JuliaDynamics/ which comes from the main org I develop.

aminya commented 4 years ago

We might need to fix https://github.com/JuliaDocs/Documenter.jl/issues/688 first, for doing this. Allowing to cross-reference using [PackageName.function](@ref) is nice for this. Otherwise, we need to use full URLs.

ashwani-rathee commented 4 years ago

I saw the julia dynamics site,it is more science type than music type :p we could try for more colorful and interactive if that's allowed @Datseris :) One other thing,the only good part about juliarobotics website is that they have tutorials,which is super important to me atleast,so many time I just want to try something right then.. Documentations tell the scope,but idk having tutorials will be really good.If we have any milestones,it should totally be on it..

Ofcourse,they have video tutorials which I am not sure if it is feasible right now,so we can create Ijulia notebooks if that is possible in HTML format like done by steven tjoa in ipython: musicinformationretrieval.com

Datseris commented 4 years ago

for me this is a very low priority. The packages of JuliaMusic are very small and self contained, I doubt the existence of tutorials will make them so much more easier to learn, versus the gain tutorials have on organizations like JuliaRobotics. There of course things are much more complex.

Besides, the MIDI, MusicManipulations and MusicVisualizations already have "tutorials" in the form of runnable code that runs from within the documentation pages, e.g. https://juliamusic.github.io/JuliaMusic_documentation.jl/dev/mm/quantizing/ thus spending time to make a tutorial for something already explained so clearly, is not time well spent I feel.

I mentioned this in another PR as well, but I think what is discussed here should come after code improvements are done. For example, I load a midi file via

using MIDI

midi = readMIDIFile("test.mid")

Can I pass this midi struct directly to the MusicXML package and get the XML version? I think improvements like these are much more meaningful.

aminya commented 4 years ago

Not yet. That is being tracked in https://github.com/JuliaMusic/MusicXML.jl/issues/3

However, before that, I need to merge https://github.com/JuliaMusic/MusicXML.jl/pull/49, which automatically sets the graphical representation of the notes based on their duration (similar to MIDI note duration).

However, that is failing because of Julia crashes https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/36269.

MusicXML is different from MIDI in many ways. MusicXML works like how humans think of music. Humans think of time signatures, pitches, rests, etc and all of these are related to each other. To automatically find the graphical representation, the code should analyze the last time signature that is defined and then adjust all the notes based on that! This makes things complex since it requires intertype communication.

zlatanvasovic commented 4 years ago

I'd vouch for renaming this repository to juliamusic.github.io and generating the website in a manner similar to https://juliarobotics.org/. The current name, i.e. https://juliamusic.github.io/JuliaMusic_documentation.jl/dev/ seems overly complex for the task.

Datseris commented 4 years ago

If you know how to change Documenter.jl generated documentation links go ahead, because I don't...

aminya commented 4 years ago

For you information, I made a fix for inter-repository linking. https://github.com/JuliaDocs/Documenter.jl/pull/1351/ However, I am quite busy right now. I can take a look at this in one or two weeks. That will fix the issue of cross-referencing.

Datseris commented 4 years ago

That's great, but I will be anyways including MusicProcessing.jl in the central docs as well (once it is updated of course).