Open weymouth opened 4 months ago
Here is a quick version I'm using in an example.
using ForwardDiff: Dual,Tag,value,partials
function davidson(f::F,ax::R,bx::R;tol=1e-2,verbose=false,itmx=1000) where {F,R}
function eval(x)
T = typeof(Tag(f,R))
fx = f(Dual{T}(x,one(R)))
a,b,Δ = eval(ax),eval(bx),bx-ax
verbose && (points = [a,b])
for _ in 1:itmx
v = a.∂+b.∂-3*(b.f-a.f)/Δ; w = copysign(√(v^2-a.∂*b.∂),Δ)
x = b.x-Δ*(b.∂+w-v)/(b.∂-a.∂+2w)
c = eval(clamp(x,min(a.x,b.x)+tol,max(a.x,b.x)-tol))
verbose && push!(points,c)
c.f > max(a.f,b.f) && return ErrorException("Process failed")
(c.f < min(a.f,b.f) ? c.∂*Δ < 0 : a.f > b.f) ? (a=c) : (b=c)
Δ = b.x-a.x; abs(Δ) ≤ 2tol && break
!verbose && return (a.f < b.f ? a : b)
# test minimizer
@assert davidson(x->(x+3)*(x-1)^2,-2.,2.,tol=1e-6).x ≈ 1
@assert davidson(x->-log(x)/x,1.,10.,tol=1e-6).x ≈ exp(1)
@assert davidson(x->cos(x)+cos(3x)/3,0.,1.75π,tol=1e-7).x ≈ π
Hey everyone,
I was surprised that none of the univariate methods use derivatives. I did a little research and found a method published by Davidson using cubic minimization and followed up by Hager for univariate functions. I played around with a quick implementation and it's seems comparable in time to Optim's default bracketed search.