JuliaNLSolvers / Optim.jl

Optimization functions for Julia
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Univariate minimization given function and derivatives #1098

Open weymouth opened 1 week ago

weymouth commented 1 week ago

Hey everyone,

I was surprised that none of the univariate methods use derivatives. I did a little research and found a method published by Davidson using cubic minimization and followed up by Hager for univariate functions. I played around with a quick implementation and it's seems comparable in time to Optim's default bracketed search.

  1. Are these terrible methods that no one should use?
  2. Would people use these methods if they were implemented?
weymouth commented 3 days ago

Here is a quick version I'm using in an example.

using ForwardDiff: Dual,Tag,value,partials
function davidson(f::F,ax::R,bx::R;tol=1e-2,verbose=true) where {F,R}
    function eval(f,x)
        T = typeof(Tag(f,R))
        fx = f(Dual{T}(x,one(R)))
    a,b,Δ = eval(f,ax),eval(f,bx),bx-ax
    points = [a,b]
    verbose && println("1: ",a,"\n2: ",b)
    while abs(Δ) > 2tol
        v = a.∂+b.∂-3*(b.f-a.f)/Δ; w = copysign(√(v^2-a.∂*b.∂),Δ)
        x = b.x-Δ*(b.∂+w-v)/(b.∂-a.∂+2w)
        (x+tol>max(a.x,b.x) || x-tol<min(a.x,b.x)) && (x = 0.5*(a.x+b.x))
        c = eval(f,x); push!(points,c)
        verbose && println(length(points),": ",c)
        c.f > max(a.f,b.f) && return ErrorException("Process failed")
        c.∂*a.∂ > 0 ? (a=c) : (b=c)
        Δ = b.x-a.x
    (a.f < b.f ? a : b), points

# test
@assert opt.x ≈ exp(1)