JuliaNLSolvers / Optim.jl

Optimization functions for Julia
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Capture unsupported kwargs in optimize method #910

Open liuyxpp opened 3 years ago

liuyxpp commented 3 years ago

At least in src/univariate/solvers/brent.jl and src/univariate/optimize/interface.jl (first optimize), the optimize function does not capture unsupported kwargs supplied. It makes other packages developed based on Optim much harder to maintain. When Optim.optimize is called in user packages, developers should filter out all unsupported kwargs. Suppose I have a method

function my_optimize(model, config)
    lower, upper = get_lower_upper(config)
    Optim.opimize( x -> solve!(reset(model, x), config), lower, upper, config.algo; config.kwargs...)

Now, if config.kwargs contains keyword arguments which are not supported by Optim.optimize, it will not compile. Typical error message is

optimize(::Any, ::T, ::T, ::Optim.Brent; rel_tol, abs_tol, iterations, store_trace, show_trace, callback, show_every, extended_trace) where T<:AbstractFloat at ~/.julia/packages/Optim/onG5j/src/univariate/solvers/brent.jl:23 got unsupported keyword arguments "tol", "interval"

One possible solution to this is to add an extra kwargs... to the optimize method in brent.jl:23, such as

function optimize(
        f, x_lower::T, x_upper::T,
        rel_tol::T = sqrt(eps(T)),
        abs_tol::T = eps(T),
        iterations::Integer = 1_000,
        store_trace::Bool = false,
        show_trace::Bool = false,
        callback = nothing,
        show_every = 1,
        extended_trace::Bool = false,
        kwargs...) where T <: AbstractFloat  # this line is new

Correct me if I am wrong or missing some points here.

pkofod commented 3 years ago

I think the downside is that it can be harder to debug sometimes and users might also write reltol=1e-5 thinking they're setting a loose tolerance without getting an error that reltol is not a supported keyword.

liuyxpp commented 3 years ago

However, in src/univariate/solvers/golden_section.jl, there is a ...nargs in the optimize method as follows

function optimize(f, x_lower::T, x_upper::T,
     rel_tol::T = sqrt(eps(T)),
     abs_tol::T = eps(T),
     iterations::Integer = 1_000,
     store_trace::Bool = false,
     show_trace::Bool = false,
     callback = nothing,
     show_every = 1,
     extended_trace::Bool = false,
     nargs...) where T <: AbstractFloat

Why is the choice inconsistent?

pkofod commented 3 years ago

As you can see, the univariate optimization uses keywords where the multivariate optimization uses an options-type. At some point they probably both had kwargs... and I forgot to remove it in GoldenSection. This discrepancy goes back many years, and wouldn't be there if I rewrote it now. I could change it to the options type in v2.0.