JuliaORNL / JACC.jl

CPU/GPU parallel performance portable layer in Julia via functions as arguments
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Create an internal API which deploys off of `JACCPreferences.backend` #86

Open kmp5VT opened 4 months ago

kmp5VT commented 4 months ago

This is rewritten to utilize Julia traits written in a way that replicates SimpleTraits.jl. The traits in this way will only allow one to utilize one backend at a time which is still managed by Preferences. In this way JACC does not overload the Base.Array name but is still able to construct an array generically using an array function.
One issue with this design is when one lauches JACC JACC.JAT = JACCArrayType{Array} regardless of the preference. Then when one loads the proper backend to match preferences JAT will be reset to reflect the desired preference.

kmp5VT commented 4 months ago

With this implementation, JACC will not work if the preference doesn't match loaded libraries. For example

julia> using JACC
julia> JACC.JACCPreferences.backend
julia> JACC.zeros(3)
ERROR: The backend amdgpu is either not recognized or the associated package is not loaded.
 [1] error(s::String)
   @ Base ./error.jl:35
 [2] arraytype(::Val{:amdgpu})
   @ JACC ~/.julia/dev/JACC.jl/src/helper.jl:15
 [3] arraytype()
   @ JACC ~/.julia/dev/JACC.jl/src/helper.jl:13
 [4] zeros(::Int64)
   @ JACC ~/.julia/dev/JACC.jl/src/array.jl:3
 [5] top-level scope
   @ REPL[969]:1

Also the code can now be precompiled without issue

kmp5VT commented 4 months ago

All AMD, CUDA and CPU tests now pass. I cannot check oneapi because I don't yet have access to an intel GPU

williamfgc commented 4 months ago

@kmp5VT please see my previous comment