JuliaOptimalTransport / OptimalTransport.jl

Optimal transport algorithms for Julia
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Compute Wasserstein distance between a density and a sum of Diracs #184

Closed Vilin97 closed 2 months ago

Vilin97 commented 2 months ago

I have two distributions in d-dimensional space, between which I want to compute Wasserstein distance. One distribution is a sum of Dirac delta functions (i.e. an empirical distribution), and the other is given by a density (e.g. a Gaussian). Is my best option to compute histograms of both and compute the distance between the histograms? I don't like this approach because the result will depend on the bin width, and bin width choice is a hard problem. Is there a better way?

Here is what I have so far:

using Distributions, LinearAlgebra, StatsBase
σ = MvNormal(I(2))
μ = rand(σ, 1000)
μ_hist = fit(Histogram, (μ[1,:], μ[2,:])) # make histogram of the empirical distribution
μ_mass = reshape(μ_hist.weights ./ 1000, :)
support = (μ_hist.edges[1][1:end-1] .+  Float64(μ_hist.edges[1].step), μ_hist.edges[2][1:end-1] .+  Float64(μ_hist.edges[2].step))
σ_mass = reshape([pdf(σ, [x,y]) for x in support[1], y in support[2]], :)
σ_mass ./= sum(σ_mass) # normalize to 1
sum(μ_mass) ≈ sum(σ_mass) # make sure the OT problem is balanced
C = reshape([sum(abs2, [x1,y1] .- [x2,y2]) for x1 in support[1], y1 in support[2], x2 in support[1], y2 in support[2]], length(μ_mass), length(σ_mass)) # |x-y|²
transport_plan = sinkhorn(μ_mass, σ_mass, C, 0.01)


  1. How to obtain the cost of the plan now?
  2. What if I want to do exact regularized OT, how can I do it?
  3. Can I circumvent making histograms and compute W₂(μ,σ) directly?
  4. Do I have to do the reshaping into vectors? Seems annoying but I was getting errors from the statement size(C) == (size(μ, 1), size(ν, 1)) in checksize. I don't quite understand what C should be when μ and ν are not vector-valued.
davibarreira commented 2 months ago

Hey, @Vilin97.

You don't need to use histograms per se. You can sample the distributions and compute either the sinkhorn distance or the exact distance.

There has been some time since I last used the package. I'll recover some notebooks I have, and perhaps I can do a quick example for your case. It should be straightforward.

Vilin97 commented 2 months ago

Thank you for the answer, @davibarreira . Given X, Y, both d x n matrices (d is the dimension and n is the size of the sample), how can I compute the W2 distance between the empirical distributions given by X and Y? I did not understand how to do it from the documentation of sinkhorn.

davibarreira commented 2 months ago
σ1 = MvNormal(I(2))
N = 100
μ = fill(1 / N, N)
μsupport = rand(σ1,100)'

M = 50
σ2 = MvNormal([5,5],I(2))
ν = fill(1 / M, M)
νsupport = rand(σ2,M)';

C = pairwise(sqeuclidean, μsupport', νsupport'; dims=2);

# This is the exact total cost
γ = emd2(μ, ν, C, Tulip.Optimizer());

ε = .5

# This is the sinkhorn cost
s = sinkhorn2(μ, ν, C, ε);
davibarreira commented 2 months ago

@Vilin97 , does the code above answer your questions? I'm sampling two multivariate normal distributions, and then constructing the dirac dist. Then, I compute the cost matrix C using the squared euclidean distance. I'm using Distances.jl for the sqeuclidean function, and Tulip.jl for the Tulip.Optimizer().

Vilin97 commented 2 months ago

Thank you so much for this snippet! I will play around with it when I get to my laptop but from the first glance it looks like exactly what I wanted. Thank you!

Vilin97 commented 2 months ago

The code you gave works. Thank you!