JuliaOrphanage / .github

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Icon #1

Open cormullion opened 1 month ago

cormullion commented 1 month ago

@tecosaur I had a few ideas for icons:

Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 10 38 18

Perhaps these might trigger some more ideas/suggestions... 🤷🏻‍♂️

Not a particularly easy one, since "orphanage" can be a loaded word. 🤔


tecosaur commented 1 month ago

Many thanks Cormullion, those look brilliant! I particularly like the banner you've done + tagline.

A few thoughts/ideas these trigger:

Thoughts on the current icon ideas you've tried:

cormullion commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the feedback Timothy - it's great to have someone to bounce ideas off.

I think I subconsciously avoided the "hands" motif - there are a lot of care homes in this part of the UK and I see these logos all the time. 😀 And of course the packages here aren't supported (yet)...

A more package-y feel is a good idea - I have some left over code from an earlier unused project...

Screenshot 2024-05-19 at 10 07 43

The "drawn heart" with a driveway one is certainly a bit odd - I'm not sure it works either, but I just thought a big enclosing heart would be quite distinctive among Julia icons and worth a try ...

tecosaur commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the feedback Timothy - it's great to have someone to bounce ideas off.

Let me know when I start being annoyingly picky, I've got no shortage of opinions :joy:.

I think I subconsciously avoided the "hands" motif - there are a lot of care homes in this part of the UK and I see these logos all the time.

Ah good call, I was just thinking the symbolism fits quite well, but avoiding those sorts of associations seems like a good idea.

A more package-y feel is a good idea - I have some left over code from an earlier unused project...

Oh neat, I particularly like the second one! Managing detail here is a bit tricky, and I think with the finer detail with the package icons (which I like the look of), having a design that lets them be larger reduces the amount of fine detail. In that vein, I also wonder if the "spotlight circles" under the packages cost more in terms of added visual complexity than they're worth.

Nit: since there's now a purple package icon, I wonder if the background colour of the "house" icon should be pushed more towards blue to avoid clashing?

The "drawn heart" with a driveway one is certainly a bit odd - I'm not sure it works either, but I just thought a big enclosing heart would be quite distinctive among Julia icons and worth a try ...

Absolutely! I have a feeling that may end up as the runner-up, but it's a fun idea and well worth trying IMO.

cormullion commented 1 month ago

Perhaps the blood-red heart is a bit too explicit - a calmer more turquoise-y feel could be calmer?

Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 08 30 43
tecosaur commented 1 month ago

Oh very nice! I think we're/you're really onto something here :grinning:

StefanKarpinski commented 1 month ago

I like the last one with the packages in the heart. If we're going to have an org named orphanage, we need to show it love.

tecosaur commented 1 month ago

@cormullion do you think you could provide that first icon by itself, for use as the org logo?

cormullion commented 1 month ago

Sure. Play with the colours if you like!


using Luxor, Colors

# colnum = [1 red, 2 green, 3 purple, 4 blue]
darkercols = [Luxor.darker_red, Luxor.darker_green, Luxor.darker_purple,  Luxor.darker_blue]
lightercols = [Luxor.lighter_red, Luxor.lighter_green, Luxor.lighter_purple, Luxor.lighter_blue]

function drawpackage(pos, side, colnum)
    @layer begin
        pts = vcat(ngon(O, side, 6, π / 2, :fill), O)

        # left
        sethue(0.95 .* darkercols[mod1(colnum, end)])
        poly(pts[[6, 1, 2, 7]], :fill, close=true)

        # left flap
        sethue(1.1 .* darkercols[mod1(colnum, end)])
        poly([pts[2], pts[7], between(pts[7], pts[6], 0.25), between(pts[2], pts[1], 0.25)], :fill, close=true)

        # right
        sethue(0.8 .* darkercols[mod1(colnum, end)])
        poly(pts[[4, 5, 6, 7]], :fill, close=true)

        # right flap
        sethue(0.9 .* darkercols[mod1(colnum, end)])
        poly([pts[7], pts[4], between(pts[4], pts[5], 0.25), between(pts[7], pts[6], 0.25)], :fill, close=true)

        # top
        sethue(1.5 .* lightercols[mod1(colnum, end)])
        poly(pts[[2, 3, 4, 7]], :fill, close=true)

        # label
        @layer begin
            shape = pts[[2, 3, 4, 7]]
            pc = polycentroid(shape)
            polymove!(shape, shape[2], pc - (side / 2, 0))
            polyscale!(shape, 0.4)
            poly(shape, :fill)

heartshape = readsvg("""<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 1243 1124">
<path d="M626,1124.385c174-363,617-438,617-789c0-347-474-452-617-185c-158-267-626-162-626,185c0,351,443,426,626,789ZM626,963.385c-213-306-510-322-510-616c0-304,318-357,510-85c187-270,501-218,501,85c0,294-297,310-501,616Z"
fill="hsl(200, 91%, 53%)" 

function orphan_logo_1()
    Drawing(600, 600, "/tmp/orphan_logo_1.svg")
    sethue(HSL(200, 0.7, 0.3))
    box(O, 580, 580, 80, :fill)
    sethue(HSL(200, 0.6, 0.7))

    @layer begin
        scale(0.43, 0.47) # tweak to fit
        placeimage(heartshape, O + (0, 5), centered=true)

    # flatter triangle required
    pts = ngon(O + (0, -40), 135, 3, -π/6, vertices=true)
    pts[1] = pts[1] - (0, 80)

    # package icons
    for (n, pos) in enumerate(pts)
        drawpackage(pos, 80, n)


