JuliaPOMDP / POMDPs.jl

MDPs and POMDPs in Julia - An interface for defining, solving, and simulating fully and partially observable Markov decision processes on discrete and continuous spaces.
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Iterating through distributions *with weights* #163

Closed zsunberg closed 7 years ago

zsunberg commented 7 years ago

Consider the case where there are only a few states that an MDP can transition to given the current state (e.g. GridWorld). This is quite common, and it would be very useful for beginners (e.g. AA228 students) to have the following stock distribution type in POMPDToolbox:

struct ObjectCategorical{VA<:AbstractArray, PA<:AbstractArray{Float64}}

The problem is that the pdf(d::ObjectCategorical{T}, x::T) method requires us to find x in d.values every time. Often (e.g. in value iteration), we want to iterate through all of the values in a distribution and find each of their probabilities, which is needlessly slow if we use the current method

for x in iterator(d)
    # ...
    p = pdf(d, x)
    # ...

Should we add a new shortcut function to the POMDPs.jl interface that returns an iterator through pairs of value and probability? For example, we could call it weighted_iterator, it could have a default implementation of

weighted_iterator(d) = (x=>pdf(d, x) for x in iterator(d))

The implementation for ObjectCategorical would be

function weighted_iterator(d::ObjectCategorical)
    return (d.values[i]=>d.probabilities[i] for i in 1:length(d.values))


collect(weighted_iterator(ObjectCategorical([:a, :b, :c], [0.3, 0.2, 0.5])))

would output [:a=>0.3, :b=>0.2, :c=>0.5] - great for value iteration with no finding overhead in pdf.

What do people think of this?

mykelk commented 7 years ago

Should this be part of POMDPs.jl or a separate package?

zsunberg commented 7 years ago

weighted_iterator should be part of POMDPs I think because it could be used by multiple solvers and implemented by many problems. ObjectCategorical (or whatever we call it) should be in POMDPToolbox

zsunberg commented 7 years ago

Basically the reason I want to do this is because not having something like ObjectCategorical is a huge roadblock for new users - having to implement your own distributions makes implementing the transition function much, much more difficult. But, in order to make ObjectCategorical efficient at all, the weighted_iterator interface shortcut is necessary.

zsunberg commented 7 years ago

Every time I sat down with AA228 students to implement a problem, after defining the states I would say "ok, let's implement the transition function that will return a distribution", and then they would ask me "What is a distribution?", and they would have to both understand what a distribution is and what the transition function does. Having ObjectCategorical allows me to say "the distribution can just be a vector of states that we can transition to and a vector or probabilities for those states" and then we could focus on transition

zsunberg commented 7 years ago

Maybe we would even just call ObjectCategorical BasicDistribution or something.

mykelk commented 7 years ago

Okay, what about DiscreteDistribution? That would be part of POMDPToolbox, right? I don't see why we need weighted_iterator in POMDPs.jl. The problem writer doesn't have to use it. The solver writer would use it, of course, but this could be part of the toolbox, right?

zsunberg commented 7 years ago

yeah... I guess it could be part of the toolbox, but then we are putting interface in the toolbox. I kind of liked the clean distinction

interface -> POMDPs implementation -> POMDPToolbox

zsunberg commented 7 years ago

problem writers may want to use it if they want to implement their own custom distributions

zsunberg commented 7 years ago

by "use it" i mean "make their own custom implementation" in the comment above

rejuvyesh commented 7 years ago

@zsunberg Have you measured how slow the naive implementation actually is in comparison?

I don't think we should be adding more functions to the interface which may not necessarily be useful for everyone. But then again, this is from someone who thinks that GenerativeModel should have been a separate module (even if part of POMDPs).

zsunberg commented 7 years ago

yeah, it is very similar to generative models

zsunberg commented 7 years ago

I guess it can go in the toolbox, I suppose it is a lot like ordered_states

mykelk commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I think we should be pretty minimalistic with respect to POMDPs.jl.

zsunberg commented 7 years ago

thanks for chiming in @mykelk and @rejuvyesh that was helpful. I'll just put it in the toolbox