JuliaPackaging / Homebrew.jl

OSX Binary dependency provider for Julia
27 stars 32 forks source link

Error: Formulae found in multiple taps #181

Closed agniorf closed 7 years ago

agniorf commented 7 years ago

This might be a dup of https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/Homebrew.jl/issues/163.

When i try to build Ipopt, I get the following error message:

julia> Pkg.build("Ipopt")

INFO: Building Homebrew

Already up-to-date.

INFO: Building Ipopt

Warning: staticfloat/juliatranslated/libgfortran-6.2 already installed, it's just not linked.

Error: Formulae found in multiple taps: 

 * staticfloat/juliadeps/libgfortran

 * staticfloat/juliatranslated/libgfortran

Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. staticfloat/juliadeps/libgfortran to refer the formula.

Here’s the relevant lines in Ipopt’s build.jl:

using Homebrew

    provides(Homebrew.HB, "staticfloat/juliadeps/ipopt", libipopt, os = :Darwin)


staticfloat commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the report @agniorf. Can you do the following for me, and let me know if the issue is fixed. Please open a new julia session and post the output of:

using Homebrew
agniorf commented 7 years ago

Thanks so much for the prompt response!

  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.5.0 (2016-09-19 18:14 UTC)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official http://julialang.org/ release
|__/                   |  x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0

julia> Pkg.checkout("Homebrew")
INFO: Checking out Homebrew master...
INFO: Pulling Homebrew latest master...
INFO: No packages to install, update or remove

julia> using Homebrew
INFO: Recompiling stale cache file /Users/Agnes/.julia/lib/v0.5/Homebrew.ji for module Homebrew.

julia> Homebrew.update(;verbose=true)
Already up-to-date.

julia> Pkg.build("Ipopt")
INFO: Building Homebrew
Already up-to-date.
INFO: Building Ipopt
Warning: staticfloat/juliatranslated/libgfortran-6.2 already installed, it's just not linked.
Error: Formulae found in multiple taps: 
 * staticfloat/juliadeps/libgfortran
 * staticfloat/juliatranslated/libgfortran

Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. staticfloat/juliadeps/libgfortran to refer the formula.
================================[ ERROR: Ipopt ]================================

LoadError: failed process: Process(`/Users/Agnes/.julia/v0.5/Homebrew/deps/usr/bin/brew link staticfloat/juliatranslated/libgfortran --force`, ProcessExited(1)) [1]
while loading /Users/Agnes/.julia/v0.5/Ipopt/deps/build.jl, in expression starting on line 89


================================[ BUILD ERRORS ]================================

WARNING: Ipopt had build errors.

 - packages with build errors remain installed in /Users/Agnes/.julia/v0.5
 - build the package(s) and all dependencies with `Pkg.build("Ipopt")`
 - build a single package by running its `deps/build.jl` script

IssamT commented 7 years ago

I've got a similar error while updating Homebrew.jl due the HDF5 found in multiple taps

INFO: Building Homebrew
Updated 3 taps (homebrew/core, homebrew/science, staticfloat/juliadeps).
==> New Formulae
abuse                          frobtads                       lincity-ng                     rawgl
advancemame                    frotz                          lolcat                         reminiscence
advancemenu                    fs-uae                         lxc                            residualvm
advancescan                    fuego                          magnetix                       rlvm
angband                        fuse-emulator                  mame                           robotfindskitten
angolmois                      gandi.cli                      mapcrafter                     rogue
ant@1.9                        gearboy                        mednafen                       roll
arx-libertatis                 gearsystem                     mgba                           rom-tools
atari800                       git-game                       minetest                       scummvm
aurora                         git-if                         mingw-w64                      scummvm-tools
autorest                       git-quick-stats                mkhexgrid                      sdlpop
avanor                         git-recent                     monitoring-plugins             sha1dc
babel                          glkterm                        moon-buggy                     shellshare
ballerburg                     glktermw                       mupen64plus                    simple-obfs
bastet                         globjects                      myman                          simutrans
blastem                        glulxe                         mysql-utilities                ski
bochs                          gnu-chess                      naga                           slashem
boost-mpi                      gnu-go                         nazghul                        snescom
bower                          gnu-shogi                      neopop-sdl                     solarus
brogue                         gnuski                         nesemu2                        spaceinvaders-go
bubbros                        go-gui                         nestopia-ue                    staticfloat/juliadeps/scs118
buildifier                     go@1.7                         nethack                        stella
c10t                           gobuster                       nethack4                       stockfish
c2048                          gpcslots2                      nethacked                      stone-soup
cataclysm                      greed                          netris                         stormlib
cdogs-sdl                      grpc                           nettoe                         supermodel
cgoban                         guichan                        ninvaders                      supertux
chakra                         hatari                         np2                            swiftplate
cheapglk                       hexgui                         npush                          sz81
cheops                         homebrew/science/acado         nsnake                         taisei
chocolate-doom                 homebrew/science/bamm          nsuds                          teleconsole
ckan                           homebrew/science/hdf5@1.8      nudoku                         telegram-cli
cockatrice                     homebrew/science/libbigwig     nuvie                          tty-solitaire
collector-sidecar              homebrew/science/m4ri          nxengine                       tundra
color-code                     homebrew/science/mantaflow     omega-rpg                      ucon64
corsixth                       homebrew/science/med-file      onscripter                     ufoai
curseofwar                     homebrew/science/phyx          open-tyrian                    uftp
dehydrated                     homebrew/science/racon         openclonk                      uggconv
dgen                           homebrew/science/scram         openjazz                       uniutils
dmtx-utils                     homebrew/science/xfig          openmsx                        unnethack
docker-credential-helper       homeworlds                     openrct2                       vecx
dopewars                       httest                         opensyobon                     vitetris
dosbox                         huexpress                      openttd                        vmdktool
dosbox-x                       inform6                        pachi                          webpack
dungeon                        instead                        pacman4console                 wesnoth
dvd-vr                         ivykis                         pc6001vx                       widelands
dwarf-fortress                 jnethack                       pioneer                        wumpus
easyrpg-player                 jpcsp                          pioneers                       xboard
einstein                       knot-resolver                  polyglot                       xmoto
elasticsearch@2.3              kompose                        ponscripter-sekai              xrick
ems-flasher                    ktmpl                          ppsspp                         xshogi
enigma                         lcs                            pqiv                           xu4
exult                          lftp                           proselint                      yetris
fairymax                       libggz                         puzzles                        yosys
fceux                          liblcf                         pytouhou                       zboy
fifechan                       librealsense                   qdae                           zelda-roth-se
fizmo                          libspectrum                    qtads                          zsdx
fmsx                           libtcod                        quasi88                        zsxd
freeciv                        libtensorflow                  raine
==> Updated Formulae
abcm2ps                                  homebrew/science/bedops                  minizip
acmetool                                 homebrew/science/biomake                 mitmproxy
afl-fuzz                                 homebrew/science/blast                   mkvtoolnix
aha                                      homebrew/science/bowtie                  monetdb
akka                                     homebrew/science/bowtie2                 mongo-c-driver
algol68g                                 homebrew/science/cdo                     mongo-orchestration
alot                                     homebrew/science/ceres-solver            mongodb
amtterm                                  homebrew/science/cgns                    monit
android-ndk                              homebrew/science/clinfo                  mono
ansible                                  homebrew/science/cminpack                monotone
ansible-cmdb                             homebrew/science/cmor                    mosquitto
ansiweather                              homebrew/science/dealii                  mpd
ant                                      homebrew/science/des                     mpv
antigen                                  homebrew/science/dextractor              msgpack
antlr@3                                  homebrew/science/dgtal                   mutt
apache-flink                             homebrew/science/diamond                 mypy
apache-geode                             homebrew/science/dynare                  mysql-cluster
app-engine-python                        homebrew/science/enblend-enfuse          nave
aptly-completion                         homebrew/science/etsf_io                 neo4j
arangodb                                 homebrew/science/field3d                 netpbm
armor                                    homebrew/science/flann                   newlisp
artifactory                              homebrew/science/freec                   nexus
assh                                     homebrew/science/g2o                     nghttp2
atlassian-cli                            homebrew/science/getdp                   nifi
aurora-cli                               homebrew/science/gmap-gsnap              no-more-secrets
autojump                                 homebrew/science/gmt                     node
aws-sdk-cpp                              homebrew/science/gmt4                    node-build
awscli                                   homebrew/science/gnudatalanguage         node@0.10
azure-cli                                homebrew/science/graph-tool              node@0.12
bacula-fd                                homebrew/science/gtsam                   node@4
bagit                                    homebrew/science/h5utils                 node@6
basex                                    homebrew/science/hdf5 ✔                  nodeenv
bash-completion                          homebrew/science/healpix                 nodenv
bash-preexec                             homebrew/science/hisat2                  notmuch
bee                                      homebrew/science/htslib                  nsd
bfg                                      homebrew/science/hwloc                   nss
bind                                     homebrew/science/igv                     nuget
binutils                                 homebrew/science/igvtools                nvi
bit                                      homebrew/science/insighttoolkit          nvm
bitrise                                  homebrew/science/iva                     nzbget
blackbox                                 homebrew/science/jellyfish               opencoarrays
blueutil                                 homebrew/science/kallisto                openssl@1.1
botan                                    homebrew/science/kat                     openvdb
buku                                     homebrew/science/kmerstream              osc
bullet                                   homebrew/science/libbi                   osm2pgrouting
byteman                                  homebrew/science/libmatio                osm2pgsql
cake                                     homebrew/science/libminc                 osquery
cargo-completion                         homebrew/science/libsbol                 osrm-backend
carina                                   homebrew/science/libsequence             p11-kit
carthage                                 homebrew/science/littler                 packer
casperjs                                 homebrew/science/lmfit                   packetbeat
cassandra                                homebrew/science/madlib                  paket
catimg                                   homebrew/science/mallet                  pandoc-citeproc
ccache                                   homebrew/science/matplotlib              pandoc-crossref
cereal                                   homebrew/science/mbsystem                pango ✔
certbot                                  homebrew/science/methpipe                parallel
certigo                                  homebrew/science/mfem                    pass
ceylon                                   homebrew/science/mlpack                  pdf2htmlex
chaiscript                               homebrew/science/mlst                    pdfgrep
charm                                    homebrew/science/moab                    pdftoedn
cheat                                    homebrew/science/moose                   pdns
check                                    homebrew/science/nanopolish              pdnsrec
check_postgres                           homebrew/science/nccmp                   peco
checkstyle                               homebrew/science/nco                     percona-server
chicken                                  homebrew/science/ncview                  perl
citus                                    homebrew/science/nest                    pex
cjdns                                    homebrew/science/netcdf                  pg_top
clang-format                             homebrew/science/nextflow                pgcli
closure-compiler                         homebrew/science/nexusformat             pgloader
codequery                                homebrew/science/nglib                   pgplot
coffeescript                             homebrew/science/nixio                   pgpool-ii
commandbox                               homebrew/science/oce                     pgroonga
compcert                                 homebrew/science/octave                  pgrouting
conan                                    homebrew/science/opencascade             pidgin
concurrencykit                           homebrew/science/openfst                 pinentry
consul                                   homebrew/science/opengrm-ngram           pius
consul-backinator                        homebrew/science/opengrm-thrax           pkcs11-helper
consul-template                          homebrew/science/openimageio             planck
convox                                   homebrew/science/openni2                 plantuml
cookiecutter                             homebrew/science/packmol                 platypus
coreutils                                homebrew/science/paraview                pldebugger
couchdb-lucene                           homebrew/science/pcl                     pmd
creduce                                  homebrew/science/petsc                   pngquant
cromwell                                 homebrew/science/poretools               poco
crystal-icr                              homebrew/science/pykep                   podofo
crystal-lang                             homebrew/science/pymol                   poppler
csfml                                    homebrew/science/quake                   postgis
csvtomd                                  homebrew/science/r                       postgresql
curl                                     homebrew/science/radx                    postgrest
curlpp                                   homebrew/science/sambamba                pre-commit
dark-mode                                homebrew/science/samblaster              prometheus
datomic                                  homebrew/science/seqdb                   protobuf-swift
davix                                    homebrew/science/sga                     psql2csv
dbhash                                   homebrew/science/shogun                  psqlodbc
dbt                                      homebrew/science/silo                    purescript
dbus                                     homebrew/science/slepc                   putty
ddrescue                                 homebrew/science/snid                    pybind11
deis                                     homebrew/science/spaced                  pyenv
depqbf                                   homebrew/science/spades                  pyinvoke
diff-pdf                                 homebrew/science/sratoolkit              pyqt5
diff-so-fancy                            homebrew/science/statismo                python3
digdag                                   homebrew/science/stringtie               qca
direnv                                   homebrew/science/suite-sparse            qscintilla2
dmd                                      homebrew/science/sumo                    quantlib
docker                                   homebrew/science/sundials                quazip
docker-completion                        homebrew/science/swrcfit                 rancher-cli
docker-compose                           homebrew/science/tasr                    rancher-compose
docker-compose-completion                homebrew/science/therion                 re2
docker-machine                           homebrew/science/tophat                  readline
docker-machine-completion                homebrew/science/trilinos                redis
doitlive                                 homebrew/science/trinity                 redis-leveldb
dosfstools                               homebrew/science/vcfanno                 reposurgeon
doxygen                                  homebrew/science/vigra                   ringojs
dpkg                                     homebrew/science/visp                    rmlint
dscanner                                 homebrew/science/vsearch                 robot-framework
dub                                      homebrew/science/vtk                     rocksdb
dvm                                      homebrew/science/wxmaxima                roswell
eigen                                    homebrew/science/xcdf                    rust
elasticsearch                            homebrew/science/xmgredit                saltstack
elixir                                   homebrew/science/xmi-msim                scala@2.10
elixirscript                             httpie                                   scala@2.11
embulk                                   hugo                                     scalaenv
entr                                     hyper                                    scipy
ephemeralpg                              hyperscan                                scm-manager
eralchemy                                i3status                                 scmpuff
erlang                                   ibex                                     scriptcs
etcd                                     idris                                    scrypt
eventql                                  imagemagick                              sec
excel-compare                            imagemagick@6                            selenium-server-standalone
exim                                     infer                                    serf
fabio                                    iperf3                                   sflowtool
fdroidserver                             ipfs                                     sfml
feedgnuplot                              ironcli                                  shadowsocks-libev
feh                                      irssi                                    shyaml
ffe                                      jasper                                   simple-tiles
ffmpeg                                   jbake                                    sip
file-roller                              jboss-forge                              skinny
filebeat                                 jemalloc                                 snap-telemetry
fio                                      jenkins                                  snappystream
fish                                     jetty                                    softhsm
flake8                                   jfrog-cli-go                             sonarqube
flatbuffers                              jid                                      sops
flatcc                                   jigdo                                    sourcery
flow                                     jlog                                     spdlog
flyway                                   jrnl                                     sqlcipher
folly                                    jruby                                    sqldiff
fon-flash-cli                            json-fortran                             sqlite
fonttools                                jsonschema2pojo                          sqlite-analyzer
fossil                                   juise                                    sqlmap
fping                                    juju                                     sqlparse
freeradius-server                        juju@1.25                                squid
freetds                                  jump                                     sshguard
fstar                                    jvgrep                                   sslyze
fzf                                      kerl                                     staticfloat/juliadeps/scs
gauge                                    khal                                     statik
gcc@4.9                                  khard                                    stern
gcore                                    kibana                                   stlink
gearman                                  knot                                     storm
geckodriver                              kobalt                                   stout
geographiclib                            kops                                     suricata
geoserver                                kotlin                                   svgcleaner
git                                      kubernetes-cli                           svtplay-dl
git-annex                                kubernetes-helm                          swagger-codegen
git-archive-all                          kvazaar                                  swiftformat
git-lfs                                  lastpass-cli                             swiftgen
git-secret                               ldc                                      swimat
git-town                                 lean-cli                                 syncthing
gitbucket                                leveldb                                  syncthing-inotify
gitlab-ci-multi-runner                   libao                                    sysbench
glib ✔                                   libarchive                               tarsnapper
gnome-autoar                             libav                                    temporal_tables
gnu-sed                                  libbluray                                tenyr
gnu-units                                libchamplain                             terraform
gnupg-pkcs11-scd                         libcouchbase                             terragrunt
gnutls                                   libdvbpsi                                tesseract
go                                       libebur128                               texmath
goaccess                                 libepoxy                                 tgui
godep                                    libfabric                                tidy-html5
gofabric8                                libgadu                                  tile38
google-java-format                       libgosu                                  timelimit
gosu                                     libgpg-error                             tippecanoe
govendor                                 libgxps                                  tnef
gperftools                               libhdhomerun                             todolist
gradle                                   libmagic                                 todoman
grails                                   libosmium                                tomcat@7
grc                                      libphonenumber                           tomcat@8.0
gron                                     libpointing                              tor
groonga                                  libpqxx                                  treefrog
groovy                                   libpst                                   ttyd
gspell                                   librdkafka                               twarc
gssh                                     libre                                    typescript
gst-editing-services                     libsigsegv                               unicorn
gst-libav                                libssh                                   vagrant-completion
gst-plugins-bad                          libwbxml                                 vala
gst-plugins-base                         libwebsockets                            vault
gst-plugins-good                         libxmp-lite                              vdirsyncer
gst-plugins-ugly                         libzdb                                   vegeta
gst-python                               link-grammar                             verilator
gst-rtsp-server                          linkerd                                  vert.x
gst-validate                             llvm                                     vim
gstreamer                                lmdb                                     vnstat
gti                                      logstash                                 vnu
gtk+3                                    logtalk                                  wakatime-cli
gtk-vnc                                  lsyncd                                   walkmod
guile                                    lynis                                    wartremover
gx                                       m-cli                                    watchexec
hackrf                                   macvim                                   wget
hana                                     mailutils                                wine
handbrake                                mandoc                                   winetricks
harfbuzz ✔                               mapnik                                   wiredtiger
hashcat                                  mapserver                                wireguard-tools
haxe                                     mcabber                                  wireshark
hebcal                                   mecab-jumandic                           wolfssl
heroku                                   media-info                               x265
hg-flow                                  mediaconch                               xmake
hh                                       memcached                                xonsh
highlight                                mercurial                                yadm
hledger                                  meson                                    yank
homebank                                 metricbeat                               yarn
homebrew/science/abinit                  mg3a                                     yaz
homebrew/science/alembic                 micro                                    yle-dl
homebrew/science/alpscore                midnight-commander                       youtube-dl
homebrew/science/anvio                   mighttpd2                                zabbix
homebrew/science/arb                     mikutter                                 zanata-client
homebrew/science/armadillo               miller                                   zeromq
homebrew/science/astrometry-net          minimesos                                znapzend
homebrew/science/augustus                minio                                    zsh-history-substring-search
homebrew/science/bamtools                minio-mc                                 zstd
homebrew/science/barrnap                 minizinc
==> Renamed Formulae
bash-completion2 -> bash-completion@2    boost160 -> boost@1.60                   mariadb100 -> mariadb@10.0
berkeley-db4 -> berkeley-db@4            erlang-r18 -> erlang@18                  protobuf250 -> protobuf@2.5
boost155 -> boost@1.55                   go14 -> go@1.4                           protobuf260 -> protobuf@2.6
boost157 -> boost@1.57                   go15 -> go@1.5
boost159 -> boost@1.59                   go16 -> go@1.6
==> Deleted Formulae
apg                                      homebrew/science/sspace-longread         probatron4j
bip                                      keybase                                  rtpbreak
ctorrent                                 lcab                                     s3sync
cups-pdf                                 libgroove                                silc-client
edelta                                   malaga                                   suomi-malaga-voikko
ee                                       mingw-w64-binutils
esound                                   node@5
Uninstalling glib... (427 files, 22.4MB)
==> Installing glib from staticfloat/juliatranslated
==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/glib-2.50.3.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz
######################################################################## 100,0%
==> Pouring glib-2.50.3.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /Users/itahiri/.julia/v0.5/Homebrew/deps/usr/Cellar/glib/2.50.3: 427 files, 22.4MB
Warning: Already linked: /Users/itahiri/.julia/v0.5/Homebrew/deps/usr/Cellar/glib/2.50.3
Uninstalling harfbuzz... (133 files, 4.9MB)
==> Installing harfbuzz from staticfloat/juliatranslated
==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/harfbuzz-1.4.4.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz
######################################################################## 100,0%
==> Pouring harfbuzz-1.4.4.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /Users/itahiri/.julia/v0.5/Homebrew/deps/usr/Cellar/harfbuzz/1.4.4: 133 files, 5.0MB
Warning: Already linked: /Users/itahiri/.julia/v0.5/Homebrew/deps/usr/Cellar/harfbuzz/1.4.4
Uninstalling hdf5... (181 files, 10.6MB)
==> Installing hdf5 from staticfloat/juliatranslated
==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles-science/hdf5-1.10.0-patch1.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz
######################################################################## 100,0%
==> Pouring hdf5-1.10.0-patch1.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz
Error: An unexpected error occurred during the `brew link` step
The formula built, but is not symlinked into /Users/itahiri/.julia/v0.5/Homebrew/deps/usr
Formulae found in multiple taps: 
 * homebrew/science/hdf5
 * staticfloat/juliatranslated/hdf5

Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/science/hdf5 to refer the formula.
Error: Formulae found in multiple taps: 
 * homebrew/science/hdf5
 * staticfloat/juliatranslated/hdf5

Please use the fully-qualified name e.g. homebrew/science/hdf5 to refer the formula.
====================================================[ ERROR: Homebrew ]====================================================

LoadError: failed process: Process(`/Users/itahiri/.julia/v0.5/Homebrew/deps/usr/bin/brew install --ignore-dependencies staticfloat/juliatranslated/hdf5`, ProcessExited(1)) [1]
while loading /Users/itahiri/.julia/v0.5/Homebrew/deps/build.jl, in expression starting on line 2

IssamT commented 7 years ago

After applying what @staticfloat suggested the issue my Pkg.update() went on successfully.

agniorf commented 7 years ago

I also ran again the suggestions of @staticfloat and the issue was resolved. Thank you very much!!

staticfloat commented 7 years ago

Thanks guys, this should be fixed for all users now, so I'm going to go ahead and close this.