JuliaParallel / ClusterManagers.jl

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Error with `using` on remote htcondor worker #108

Closed ivborissov closed 5 years ago

ivborissov commented 5 years ago

I have modified condor_script to use it with Windows and it worked for me on Julia 0.6: https://github.com/ivborissov/ClusterManagers.jl/blob/ivborissov/condor_win/src/condor.jl

On 0.7 workers connect to my master worker (after changing worker_arg to worker_arg()) and I can run code on them but I encounter an error with @everywhere using. For example:

@everywhere using DiffEqBase
ERROR: On worker 3:
IOError: stat: operation not permitted (EPERM)
stat at .\stat.jl:68
ispath at .\stat.jl:303 [inlined]
#651 at .\loading.jl:543
#open#298 at .\iostream.jl:369
open at .\iostream.jl:367 [inlined]
explicit_manifest_uuid_path at .\loading.jl:517 [inlined]

DiffEqBase is installed everywhere, JULIA_DEPOT_PATH is set on remote machines to "C:\Julia" and I included set JULIA_DEPOT_PATH to condor_submit script but it doesn't help. It seems that the problem is related to JULIA_DEPOT_PATH...

ivborissov commented 5 years ago

The issue is not related to ClusterManagers but my Windows access rights on Julia packages that they can't be read by condor-slot users