JuliaParallel / ClusterManagers.jl

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ElasticManager does not export get_connect_cmd #149

Open robot144 opened 3 years ago

robot144 commented 3 years ago

The ElasticManager does nog export get_connect_cmd. I would like to start the other processes in some automated way, but the info is now only accessible through show(em). It is possible to extract the string from show with the following function, but this is of course just trying to mimic a function that's already there, but not accessible.

function get_connect_cmd(em::ElasticManager) io=IOBuffer() show(io,em) #writes to buffer instead of screen temp1=read(seekstart(io),String) temp2=split(temp1,"\n") return temp2[end] end

Suggestions for other routes are also welcome, This is one step of trying to start julia processes in parallel that will access a library that make use of MPI, and I wouldlike to use mpi run. This so the process can make use of julia parallel processes, and let the MPI based library work at the same time.

Thanks in advance, Martin