JuliaPerf / PProf.jl

Export Julia profiles to the pprof format
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Trouble Loading Saved Profile Data #49

Open jamesETsmith opened 2 years ago

jamesETsmith commented 2 years ago


Hello! Thanks for this package, I've had a great experience using it so far. The only small snag that I've hit is when trying to load saved data.

Reproducing the problem

For example, if I have some profiling data saved in _03_profile_data.jlprof (saved using save("_03_profile_data.jlprof", Profile.retrieve()...)) and I try to load it into pprof like:

julia> data = load("_03_profile_data.jlprof")
julia> pprof(data[1], data[2])

It looks as if all profiling data is in an unknown call and I can't access any of the fine-grain information. But if I create a flamegraph first and then load that into pprof, everything seems to work fine.

julia> data = load("_03_profile_data.jlprof")
julia> g = flamegraph(data[1]; lidict=data[2])
julia> pprof(g)

Next Steps

The second solution above is fine with me for now since it's only an extra line, but I feel like I'm not doing something correctly. Have I missed something here?
