JuliaPhysics / PeriodicTable.jl

Periodic Table for Julians! :fire:
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don't load JSON at runtime #2

Closed stevengj closed 6 years ago

stevengj commented 6 years ago

If you just define a

export elements
const elements = ...load elements into a Dict{Int,Element} or similar....

then the contents of your element dictionary can be precompiled in, and you won't need to load the JSON data at runtime.

Then you can just do

using PeriodicTable

to get e.g. the element with atomic number 8.

No need for a get_element function, either, then.

stevengj commented 6 years ago

Since there are no gaps any more in the periodic table, it is perhaps better for elements to simply be a Vector{Element}, since this is faster to access than a dictionary.

stevengj commented 6 years ago

Actually, you might want element to be some custom type, like:

struct Elements
    Elements(data::Vector{Element}) = new(data, Dict{String,Element}(lowercase(d.name)=>d for d in data))
Base.getindex(e::Elements, i::Integer) = e.bynumber[i]
Base.getindex(e::Elements, i::AbstractString) = e.byname[lowercase(i)]
Base.show(io::IO, e::Elements) = print(io, "Elements table of ", length(e.bynumber), " elements")

so that you can look up the elements by number or by name, for convenience, with elements[8] or elements["oxygen"].

carstenbauer commented 6 years ago

First of all, thanks for the package.

I was going to open a similar issue. Just to complement steven's point, also from a users perspective it seems unnecessary to have to create a periodic table object to look up an element. It should be a constant in your package that I can access immediately, as steven showed in his first post.

rahulkp220 commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot, @stevengj and @crstnbr for taking out time and opening up the issues. It means a lot to me and makes me really happy.

I 100% agree with you on this one and will make the changes. Btw, if you would love, would you like to contribute? 🙂