JuliaPlots / MakieTeX.jl

TeX integration in Makie
MIT License
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Compile all latex strings at once #38

Open greimel opened 2 years ago

greimel commented 2 years ago

You can compile all latexstrings at once. This produces a multipage pdf.



$x \in X$


$X \in XXX$


You can then get the respective page using

function pdf2svg(pdf::Vector{UInt8}; page=1, kwargs...)
     pdftocairo = Poppler_jll.pdftocairo() do exe
         open(`$exe -f $page -l $page -svg - -`, "r+")

     write(pdftocairo, pdf)


     return read(pdftocairo.out, String)

This should speed up compilation at lot.

asinghvi17 commented 2 years ago

I do that already for vectors of latexstrings :) but because of the eager nature of the rendering, it's not so easy to batch them. For example, axis tick labels are batched such that all x tick labels are compiled in the same document, and all y tick labels are compiled in a different document.