JuliaPlots / PlotlyJS.jl

Julia library for plotting with plotly.js
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Heatmap with customdata and hovertemplate doesn't display the right info, when size(customdata)=size(z) #462

Open empet opened 1 year ago

empet commented 1 year ago

Example of heatmap defined such that to display on hover, both the corresponding z-value and a string pointing out, let us say, the data class or category:

using PlotlyJS
customdata =  string.(reshape('A':'L', 4, 3))  
4×3 Matrix{String}:
 "A"  "E"  "I"
 "B"  "F"  "J"
 "C"  "G"  "K"
 "D"  "H"  "L"
#with this definition we get right data displayed on hover:
pl=plot(heatmap(z = [ 9 11 12 7;
                     12  8  13  2;
                     10  13  12 5],
        customdata=customdata, #note that size(customdata)=size(z')
        hovertemplate="z: %{z}<br>Class: %{customdata[0]}"))

But if we pass as customdata the transposed matrix of the initial one, as one would expect to be normal, i.e. z and customdata have the same size, on hover we get unparsed information:

restyle!(pl, customdata=permutedims(customdata))

The same bug should be fixed for the contour trace, and for surface, when is plotting a surface defined as a graph of function, z=f(x,y), not a parametric surface, such as sphere. etc.