Closed roblesch closed 6 years ago
Plots show correctly on Jupyter notebooks, this issue only occurs when using JupyterLab. Updating issue title
This is using the plotly backend? There is an issue with registering the plotly output in jupyter lab afaik
This happens using the gr backend. Though thanks to your tip I was able to get it working with pyplot and plotly :smile:
Oh - it works for me, though.
Could you paste versioninfo()
and ] st
Julia Version 0.6.4
Commit 9d11f62bcb (2018-07-09 19:09 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7660U CPU @ 2.50GHz
LAPACK: libopenblas64_
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-3.9.1 (ORCJIT, broadwell)
It doesn't seem that I can use ] st
since I'm on 0.6.4, but here is the output of my Pkg.status()
7 required packages:
- DataFrames 0.11.7
- Distributions 0.15.0
- IJulia 1.10.0
- PlotlyJS 0.10.3
- Plots 0.17.4
- PyPlot 2.6.3
- QuantEcon 0.14.3
82 additional packages:
- AbstractFFTs 0.3.2
- AssetRegistry 0.0.2
- BinDeps 0.8.10
- BinaryProvider 0.3.3
- Blink 0.7.0
- Calculus 0.4.1
- CategoricalArrays 0.3.13
- CodecZlib 0.4.4
- ColorTypes 0.6.7
- Colors 0.8.2
- CommonSubexpressions 0.1.0
- Compat 1.1.0
- Conda 1.0.1
- Contour 0.4.0
- DSP 0.5.1
- DataStreams 0.3.6
- DataStructures 0.8.4
- DiffEqDiffTools 0.4.1
- DiffResults 0.0.3
- DiffRules 0.0.7
- DocStringExtensions 0.4.6
- FFTW 0.0.4
- FixedPointNumbers 0.4.6
- ForwardDiff 0.7.5
- FunctionalCollections 0.3.2
- GR 0.33.1
- Hiccup 0.1.1
- HttpCommon 0.4.0
- HttpParser 0.4.0
- HttpServer 0.3.1
- JSExpr 0.2.2
- JSON 0.17.2
- LaTeXStrings 1.0.2
- Lazy 0.12.1
- LightGraphs 0.12.0
- LineSearches 6.0.2
- MacroTools 0.4.4
- MathProgBase 0.7.5
- MbedTLS 0.5.12
- Measures 0.2.0
- Missings 0.2.10
- Mustache 0.3.3
- Mux 0.3.1
- NLSolversBase 6.1.1
- NLopt 0.3.6
- NaNMath 0.3.2
- NamedTuples 4.0.2
- Nullables 0.0.8
- Observables 0.1.2
- Optim 0.15.3
- PDMats 0.8.0
- Parameters 0.9.2
- Pidfile 1.0.0
- PlotThemes 0.2.0
- PlotUtils 0.4.4
- PlotlyBase 0.1.2
- Polynomials 0.4.0
- PositiveFactorizations 0.1.0
- Primes 0.3.0
- PyCall 1.18.4
- QuadGK 0.3.0
- RecipesBase 0.3.1
- Reexport 0.1.0
- Requires 0.4.4
- Rmath 0.4.0
- SHA 0.5.7
- Showoff 0.2.1
- SimpleTraits 0.6.0
- SoftGlobalScope 1.0.4
- SortingAlgorithms 0.2.1
- SpecialFunctions 0.6.0
- StaticArrays 0.7.2
- StatsBase 0.23.1
- StatsFuns 0.6.1
- TranscodingStreams 0.5.4
- URIParser 0.3.1
- VersionParsing 1.1.2
- WeakRefStrings 0.4.7
- WebIO 0.2.6
- WebSockets 0.5.0
- Widgets 0.2.5
- ZMQ 0.6.4
Ah it might be a version thing. I should say we're unlikely to push a fix that will work on 0.6, Plots is 1.x -only going forward.
I am new to Julia and following the quantecon materials. Trying to plot a simple sine function results in the following:
I am on Ubuntu 18.04 running Julia 0.6.4. I is this possibly an issue of a missing dependency, or perhaps a Jupyter versioning issue? Let me know if there is a more appropriate place for discussion. Thank you.