Open dmetivie opened 3 years ago
I just encountered this, too. Don't see any such option in the docs or the source. Also don't see where in the code things are being sorted. Would really like to have the ability to disable the alphanumeric sorting of groups.
In addition, sorting categories causes inconsistencies between value and error bar.
ctg = repeat(["Acetate", "Ethanol", "BDO"], inner=7)
nam = repeat(["G1","G2","G3","G4","G5","G6","G7"], outer=3)
y_mean = [3*ones(7) 2*ones(7) ones(7)]
y_std = [1.5*ones(7) ones(7) 0.1*ones(7)]
groupedbar(nam, y_mean, group = ctg, yerr=y_std, fmt=:png)
We can see that the error bars for BDO went to ethanol, and vice versa.
Hello everyone - I also recently came across this aspect, but I found a work-around on Julia's Discourse forum which I thought it would be good to share here.
Credit for the workaround goes to @JonasIsensee ( (I don't seem to be able to tag them directly).
All I have done is modify it to copy the order of arguments which StatsPlots.groupedbar
usually accepts.
Please test out the MWE below and let me know if it works for you as well, and for bonus points I would be interested to hear thougts regarding:
bar_position = :stack
, (although the sorting still works).Base.unique
for inputs of type CategoricalArray
, but I am not sure how to do this.StatsPlots.jl
's documentation? Thanks!
using CategoricalArrays
using StatsPlots
function prepare_groupedbar_inputs!(names::Vector{T1}, data_matrix::Matrix{T2}, group::Vector{T1}) where {T1<:AbstractString, T2<:Real}
# Redefine unique for `CategoricalArray` types to return a categorical array, rather than a regular vector/array.
@eval function Base.unique(ctg::CategoricalArray) # can be run in REPL instead
l = levels(ctg)
newctg = CategoricalArray(l)
levels!(newctg, l)
@assert size(data_matrix)[1] % length(group) == 0 "The number of rows in the data matrix must be a multiple of the number of data categories."
@assert size(data_matrix)[2] % length(names) == 0 "The number of column in the data matrix must be a multiple of the number of groups of bars."
plot_names = repeat(names, outer = size(data_matrix)[1])
plot_groups = repeat(group, inner = size(data_matrix)[2])
plot_names = categorical(plot_names; levels = names)
plot_groups = categorical(plot_groups; levels = group)
return plot_names, data_matrix, plot_groups
names = ["Sample 2", "Sample 1", "Sample 3"];
data_matrix = rand((1,2,3), 4, 3);
group = ["Red tokens", "Blue tokens", "Green tokens", "Orange tokens"];
names, data_matrix, group = prepare_groupedbar_inputs!(names, data_matrix, group)
plot = StatsPlots.groupedbar(names, data_matrix, group=group,
title = "Sorted `groupedbar()` plot",
xlabel = "Sorted group names", ylabel = "Data values",
legendtitle = "Sorted data categories", legend_position = :outerright,
fillcolor = [:red :blue :green :orange],
# bar_position = :stack, ## ordering works, but names are displaced..?
and group
are defined).julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.8.0
Commit 5544a0fab76 (2022-08-17 13:38 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: macOS (x86_64-apple-darwin21.4.0)
CPU: 4 × Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-13.0.1 (ORCJIT, broadwell)
Threads: 1 on 2 virtual cores
(@v1.8) pkg> st
Status `~/.julia/environments/v1.8/Project.toml`
[324d7699] CategoricalArrays v0.10.6
[f3b207a7] StatsPlots v0.15.2
""" prepare_groupedbar_inputs!(names::Vector{T1}, data_matrix::Matrix{T2}, group::Vector{T1}) where {T1<:AbstractString, T2<:Real}
to prepare input data forStatsPlots.groupedbar
function, such that thenames
are sorted according to the order they were passed intoprepare_groupedbar_inputs
.Warning: this function redefines
for inputs of typeCategoricalArray
, which may cause changes to other functions!Based on this discourse post →
See also
julia> names = ["Sample 2", "Sample 1", "Sample 3"]; julia> data_matrix = rand((1,2,3), 4, 3); julia> group = ["Red tokens", "Blue tokens", "Green tokens", "Orange tokens"]; julia> names, data_matrix, group = prepare_groupedbar_inputs!(names, data_matrix, group) julia> plot = StatsPlots.groupedbar(names, data_matrix, group=group, title = "Sorted `groupedbar()` plot", xlabel = "Sorted group names", ylabel = "Data values", legendtitle = "Sorted data categories", legend_position = :outerright, fillcolor = [:red :blue :green :orange], # bar_position = :stack, ## ordering works, but names are displaced..? )
Any updates on this bug, particularly in the context of @leejm516? I do not see error bars on groupedbars now...
I do not see error bars on groupedbars now...
Hi - I don't think there has been any progress on this issue.
Incase it helps, I just ran the code from that example with the error bars and reproduced the same graph as in the original post.
Thanks! Joe
@jmtlawrie I think to figure this issue, you need the groups to be categorically sorted as well (in addition to the names), it will work then.
I am using groupedbar and I consider a case with a lot of group (namely more than ten), here is the github example with 12 groups:
As you can see the groups seem to be sorted which produces an unnatural look. How can we change that? In fact, in my real case example, I have months instead of
and it does the same thing placing Ap, Aug, Dec, Feb, Jan instead of Jan, Feb, etc.Is there an option like sort=:false?