JuliaPluto / PlutoUI.jl

The Unlicense
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🍪☀️ PlutoUI Roadmap ☀️🍪 #208

Open pankgeorg opened 2 years ago

pankgeorg commented 2 years ago

New features enabled by AbstractPlutoDingetjes.jl (ConcretePlutoDigetjes.jl)

New outputs

(use the <output> html5 element)

Add HTML 5 features to PlutoUI.*

Documentation website:


Let's carefully read the docs and improve accessibility on Pluto notebooks!

stillyslalom commented 2 years ago

Re: "Pluto notebook sourcecode should be our documentation!"

It's a great idea to have an example/tutorial notebook like this one, but good documentation also requires a separate detailed reference for each function. Reference documentation should be somewhat pedantic and repetitive so that the user doesn't have to read the rest of the documentation to figure out the particulars of one function, and that makes for a really bulky notebook. Please consider retaining the Documenter.jl docs (which are... broken again?)